Jacob Anderson Teases Season 2 Changes for Interview with the Vampire

The new season of Interview with the Vampire has plenty in store for fans. The series follows Louis, played by Jacob Anderson, as he continues his immortal journey. This time, the story expands into post-WWII Europe, exploring deeper dynamics and shifts from New Orleans to Paris.

One of the exciting highlights for viewers is the debut of the Théâtre des Vampires. Set designer Mara LaPere-Schloop remarks, Living in New Orleans, it was really an exciting exercise to think about how we could tell that story and showcase the city in Season 1. But more than anything, I really wanted to sink my teeth into this theater and the coven.

Jacob Anderson Teases Season 2 Changes for Interview with the Vampire

The inner world of Louis continues as he recounts his post-WWII tales to Daniel Molloy. Production designer Mara LaPere-Schloop captures the gothic atmosphere perfectly. Viewers will be thrilled to see familiar characters like Claudia, now portrayed by Delainey Hayles, who brings a fresh perspective to her role within the vampire coven in Europe.

Jacob Anderson Teases Season 2 Changes for Interview with the Vampire

Jacob Anderson shares insights on Louis’ continued struggles and relationships. He notes how his character’s dynamic with Lestat, played by Sam Reid, carries forward even in hallucinations, reflecting Louis’ internal conflicts and enduring love for Lestat. Co-star Sam Reid says, Memory is a monster.

Jacob Anderson Teases Season 2 Changes for Interview with the Vampire

The series also teases new elements and intrigues with characters like Raglan James, adding layers from Anne Rice’s expanded universe. Justin Kirk steps into this enigmatic role with complexity and charm.

Jacob Anderson Teases Season 2 Changes for Interview with the Vampire

As Season 2 progresses, fans can expect intense drama and beautifully crafted sets that bring Anne Rice’s novels vividly to life. With the talented cast and detailed storytelling, Interview with the Vampire continues to captivate.

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