Tom Sandoval’s $600K Offer Sparks Property Dispute with Ariana Madix

Tom Sandoval offered his ex, Ariana Madix, a $600K buyout for their $2M home, continuing to live under the same roof following a messy split. This ongoing drama gives fans a glimpse into the tension over their shared property.

Tom Sandoval’s $600K Offer Sparks Property Dispute with Ariana Madix

Legal Maneuvers and Financial Offers

Tom Sandoval’s $600K Offer Sparks Property Dispute with Ariana Madix

The drama achieved new heights when Madix filed for a ‘partition by sale’, seeking court intervention to sell the home and split proceeds. This legal move far from resolves things immediately.The drama has also created a sticky real estate situation.

Tom Sandoval’s $600K Offer Sparks Property Dispute with Ariana Madix

Assessing Financial Costs

Sandoval faced questions about affording such an arrangement. When questioned if he could manage financially for six to eight months, he admitted his dilemma: I got myself in this mess. I just wish we could go back.

Tom Sandoval’s $600K Offer Sparks Property Dispute with Ariana Madix

Vanderpump Rules Highlighted Disputes

Tom Sandoval’s $600K Offer Sparks Property Dispute with Ariana Madix

The show’s scenes often underscored disagreements, including Tom calling Ariana’s actions ‘petty’: Ariana is making it out that me wanting to keep the house is a psychopath move, but it’s not.

‘Sandoval further stated: She’s being petty and she doesn’t want me to have the house.Tom Sandoval’s $600K Offer Sparks Property Dispute with Ariana Madix

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