Tom Arnold to Bring Comedy to The Bold & The Beautiful

Tom Arnold to Bring Comedy to The Bold & The Beautiful
Tom Arnold steps into role as Captain Deuce Stevens on The Bold & The Beautiful, bringing some comedic flair to the series. Fans will see Arnold on July 30th and 31st during episodes set in Monte Carlo.

As the Forrester clan heads back to Monte Carlo to revamp Brooke’s Bedroom lingerie line, Ridge remains determined despite protests from both Brooke and Steffy. Interestingly, it’s Captain Deuce Stevens who ends up adding a touch of humor to their journey.

Steffy’s Passport Predicament Adds Drama and Comedy

Tom Arnold to Bring Comedy to The Bold & The Beautiful
One scene in particular stands out where a frazzled Steffy, played by Jacqueline MacInnes Wood, searches frantically for her passport. This mishap heightens the drama while providing comedic relief.

One thing that is true is you have a window to land at the airport. And if you mess around and you’re late, you will miss that window. I like when there’s some reality to this stuff. It heightened the scene because Steffy forgot her passport. Arnold said, adding that it opened doors for hilarity amidst the chaos.

Tom Arnold Embraces Slapstick Comedy

Tom Arnold to Bring Comedy to The Bold & The Beautiful
Arnold described scenes featuring Captain Deuce Stevens as slapstick comedy.

According to Arnold, some scenes had a classic comedy vibe: [Jacqueline] had to do some Lucy stuff with the comedy, ripping stuff out of her bag. It’s not easy when you have props and you have to do this and this, but it worked.

A Familiar Setting with Fresh Challenges

Tom Arnold to Bring Comedy to The Bold & The Beautiful
The last time The Bold & The Beautiful ventured to Monte Carlo was in 2022, when Steffy reunited with presumed-dead Finn. This year’s trip combines fashion and personal drama, though it’s uncertain if another iconic location-shoot fashion show will unfold.

Brooke’s Hurdle with Brooke’s Bedroom Line

Tom Arnold to Bring Comedy to The Bold & The Beautiful
The revamped Brooke’s Bedroom line addition stirred quite an inter-family debate. Despite Brooke’s reservations about modeling lingerie as a grandmother, Ridge remains unwavering in his decision.

Your Thoughts on This European Adventure?

While details about any fashion show remain under wraps, this Monte Carlo saga promises a blend of humor and high stakes. What are you hoping to see from this latest Forrester adventure? Share your thoughts below or join the conversation on social media!

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