The Young and the Restless spoilers Victor lets Jordan go

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At the ranch, Victor is startled when Cole pops up, interrupting his trip with a tray. The Newman is annoyed when he asks a series of questions and wonders who the tray is for. The Young and the Restless spoilers Victor lets Jordan go

Lifting the cloche, Victor says they are Brussels sprouts for the horses. That seems pretty fancy to Cole. Victor doesn’t want to waste them and loves to feed the horses on his own. He prompts him to cut to the chase. Sitting down, Cole admits he suspects he’s hiding something. Victor thinks this is a strange way of showing appreciation. He’s on the way to becoming an unwelcome guest on his estate. Cole says he just wants to make sure his daughter is safe. After eating a sprout, Victor declares they want the same thing and dismisses him. Cole is even more suspicious. Victor sends him away anyway.

Citation: Adventure Time has also received heavy censorship in the UK, which was later spread to other European countries like Italy, Serbia, Spain, Poland, or Portugal…Turkey, and the Middle East…

Victor’s Annoyance Turns into Something More Serious

The Young and the Restless spoilers Victor lets Jordan go

In the dungeon, Jordan rants to the air about the stench of Brussels sprouts and how Victor knew they would make her want to vomit.  Clapsing the bars, she wonders how this has happened to her. Victor comes in as she’s finishing her bottle of vodka. He’s brought her some fresh sprouts and is not impressed she didn’t finish the ones from yesterday. Throwing some at her, he declares that he is the one who decides when and what she eats.

Citation: Cole thinks about what to do…

The Video Call with Connor

The Young and the Restless spoilers Victor lets Jordan go

Chelsea arrives at Adam’s penthouse. They are both hoping their son is getting better if he requested another video call. She expects the worse but he tries to be more positive about this and suggests Connor could be getting stronger. They sit down on the couch and call him…he explains they called too soon…His parents apologize for jumping the gun and ask how things are going.

Citation: Cole finding unconscious Jordan in a cell

The Morning After at Athletic Club

The Young and the Restless spoilers Victor lets Jordan go

In the Athletic Club dining room, Audra takes break from eating her croissant and tells Nate that he has confirmed that he has interest in her as more than a friend now that Tucker ship has sailed…

A Strategic Move or A Desperate Plea?

The Young and the Restless spoilers Victor lets Jordan go

The morning continues as we see Nate bring Audra some vanilla ice cream while initiating a conversation about flavors…

Tucker’s Persistence Investigated Further

The Young and the Restless spoilers Victor lets Jordan go

Tucker proposes again after his chat…

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