The Golden Bachelor Star Susan Noles on Theresa and Gerry’s Controversial Promise

The Golden Bachelor Star Susan Noles on Theresa and Gerry’s Controversial Promise

The Golden Bachelor star Gerry Turner is receiving support from one of the show’s contestants after facing backlash about his divorce from Theresa Nist. During an appearance on SiriusXM’s The Jess Cagle Show this week, Susan Noles revealed the reason behind Turner’s decision to file for divorce from his wife of three months.

Susan’s Strong Opinions

Noles did not mince words. She stated, I’ve gotta support this man a little bit. I feel like he got the wrong end of it. Theresa decided not to move and not to quit her job. He got frustrated. Who can blame him? I mean, I would’ve never said I would move to that place wherever that is in the middle of nowhere.

The Golden Bachelor Star Susan Noles on Theresa and Gerry’s Controversial Promise

Turner is based in Indiana, while Theresa lives and works in New Jersey.

Support From Fellow Contestants

Kathy Swats, another contestant, added, Gerry’s a nice guy. Theresa’s a lovely lady. You know, s— happens. Sorry. It does and we like them both. You know someone [for] a month or six weeks and these things happen.

Noles emphasized that the couple appeared genuine during their time together on screen: I think they got caught up in the moment. We watched them fall in love. They bonded that first night, on that date. It was real.

The Decision To Divorce

The couple married in January of this year in a televised ceremony, after Turner proposed in the season finale of the ABC reality dating series.

Turner filed for divorce in his hometown of Petersburg, Indiana, on April 12, citing irreconcilable differences according to Us Weekly. His filing came several hours after the couple’s announcement on Good Morning America.

The Golden Bachelor Star Susan Noles on Theresa and Gerry’s Controversial Promise

Family Reactions and Backlash

Gerry Turner shared that, given their living situations and other factors, he and Theresa recognized the best thing to do was go their separate ways. He explained on GMA, Theresa and I have had a number of heart-to-heart conversations. We’ve looked closely at our living situations, and we’ve kind of come to the conclusion mutually that it’s time for us to dissolve our marriage.

However, since the announcement, Turner has faced plenty of backlash from fans of the show. Angie Turner shared how difficult this period has been: It’s no surprise the news of my Dad and Theresa choosing to split has sparked a range of emotions and opinions.

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