The Five Best Moments Of the Weird: The Al Yankovic Story Teaser Trailer

The Five Best Moments Of the Weird: The Al Yankovic Story Teaser Trailer

For the first time in media, Weird Al Yankovic will get to tell his unorthodox journey from a regular joe who loves to play the accordion to one of the biggest comedy/parody artists in the musical landscape today. A new teaser was just released for the upcoming biography, and this list will break down the top five moments of the movie. The film is set to premiere this fall on Roku, though no date has been confirmed as of this writing.

I Hope You Guys Are Ready For This

A documentary on a musician is nothing new in the television or music landscape; however, Weird Al Yankovic is not an ordinary musician. This isn’t a story that will see the musician dive into the typical drugs and alcohol stereotype that most projects dive into. Weird Al Yankovic’s journey is different than most, the comedy musician first played the accordion at the age of seven. While it doesn’t appear to go back that far in the teaser, the opening does an excellent job of showcasing what’s to come from the musician. The crowd pumping their fists in the air. The band cueing up the sound. And Al playing his trusty accordion. It highlights the fame that the musician has achieved, yet still showcases that this isn’t an ordinary story. The musical elements of the movie should be fun, as taking a trip down memory lane is always one of the best parts of musical biographies. Hopefully, the film doesn’t get lost in these moments because the story of Weird Al Yankovic is just as important as his music.

Weird Al Yankovic Story Playing At An Underground Bar

This moment highlights the struggles of the up-and-coming artist. The key thing is the dynamic of his bandmates and how Weird Al Yankovic developed before reaching a high level of success. Did he take the traditional artist route of playing in low-rent bars and clubs until he finally got his big break? Based of real-life events, the artist got into the business pretty early at the age of 16 as the big moment came when he handed a cassette of his comedy songs to LA deejay Dr. Demento. There’s not a clear indication on when exactly the timeline is for this moment. Perhaps their was a crash that sent him back down to lowly establishments like this? Maybe this was the start of his incredible journey? Either way, digging into the roots of Weird Al Yankovic story should be a fun ride and the trailer showcasing him and his band documents something more than just a music driven film.

Al Chops Down Leave In The Forest

This moment just adds to the zaniness that the trailer is trying to exemplify for the upcoming feature. This likely isn’t going to be too weird or out-of-the-box, but it helps establish the tone of what’s to come with this story. Exactly what does him cutting down leaves in a forest mean? Could this just be a music video shoot? Is Weird Al Yankovic going on some strange journey to his true self? The moment itself is interesting because it feels out of place, yet the tone of the scene fits perfectly at home with the overall world established in the trailer. Weird: The Al Yankovic isn’t likely going to be some deep and thought-provoking film, but it should be a funny (and possibly satirical) look at the music world through the eyes of one of the most colorful performers in America.

Like A Surgeon

Interesting enough, Madonna herself actually came up with the idea for this song. The upcoming film will focus on the big hits that got Weird Al Yankovic to stardom: Eat it (a parody of Michael Jackson’s Beat It) and Like A Surgeon (A parody of Madonna’s Like A Virgin). There’s no telling how much in depth Yankovic will go into the process of both songs but it should be great to see the method of Yankovic’s madness. How does he come up with the lyrics for his music? How long it does? Is there some insane process that he goes through just to come up with the perfect parody song?

Al In A Fight Scene

This goes along with the forest cutting scene; however, this seems more of an action that’s being filmed for a video. This scene isn’t from the Eat it or Like A Surgeon video, so it should be interesting how this moment connects to the rest of the film. It’s another scene that highlights the quirky fun that’s been the main source of the teaser. Is this an important moment that develops Weird Al Yankovic’s journey? Hopefully so, but as long as it provides a good laugh or two then there’s nothing wrong with adding some fun into the mix.

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