The Conners Renewed By ABC For Abbreviated Seventh and Final Season – Watch First Promo

ABC has officially announced that The Conners will return for a seventh and final season. This news comes as a bittersweet moment for fans who have followed the series since its inception as a Roseanne spinoff in 2018.

The Conners Renewed By ABC For Abbreviated Seventh and Final Season – Watch First Promo

We wanted to land this show in a place where it felt like we could say goodbye in the best way possible, said Sara Gilbert, who not only stars as Darlene but has also served as an executive producer.

The upcoming final season will be the shortest in the show’s history, with ABC announcing that it will consist of a concise six episodes. This abbreviated run is intended to provide a fitting closure to the storylines that have resonated deeply with audiences.

The Conners Renewed By ABC For Abbreviated Seventh and Final Season – Watch First Promo

The Final Chapter

As production on Season 6 wrapped earlier this year, uncertainty loomed over whether a seventh season would come to fruition, primarily due to ongoing cast negotiations. However, fans can now rest assured knowing that main cast members such as John Goodman
(Dan), Laurie Metcalf
(Jackie), and Sara Gilbert (Darlene) will return for the concluding season.

The renewal process was particularly intricate this time around due to scheduling conflicts and other commitments of key actors. DAVE CAPLAN: We have a hard time believing that ourselves, producer Dave Caplan remarked upon learning the show would hit its 100th episode milestone.

The Conners Renewed By ABC For Abbreviated Seventh and Final Season – Watch First Promo

A Storied Legacy

The Conners arose from the ashes of the revived Roseanne, which faced cancellation due to Roseanne Barr’s controversial tweets. Nevertheless, the rebranded series successfully maintained strong viewership and critical acclaim, eventually celebrating its 100th episode—a significant feat in today’s TV landscape.

The storyline’s appeal lies in its authentic portrayal of working-class America’s challenges and triumphs.


Reflecting on this journey, Caplan stated, …to examine what happens in the life of a small town business and how the odds are so stacked against those little companies in so many ways…

The Conners Renewed By ABC For Abbreviated Seventh and Final Season – Watch First Promo

A Heartfelt Goodbye

This final season aims to bring closure not just to its characters but also to its loyal fan base. Over the years, notable guest stars such as Matthew Broderick, Johnny Galecki, and Whoopi Goldberg have contributed to enriching the narrative arcs.

The news was met with mixed feelings among fans; while some expressed their sadness over the show’s end, others appreciated that it would conclude on its own terms. As one fan put it succinctly, We’ve followed these characters for years; it’s only right they get a proper send-off.

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