Taylour Paige Aims to Bring Laughter in Beverly Hills Cop Axel F with Eddie Murphy

When stepping into the role of an estranged daughter to Eddie Murphy’s iconic character, Axel Foley, in Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F, Taylour Paige had one primary goal in mind: making Eddie Murphy laugh. As she told Empire in a recent profile interview, she wanted the film to keep things light and fun, especially in a world that often feels grim.

Taylour Paige Aims to Bring Laughter in Beverly Hills Cop Axel F with Eddie Murphy

Bringing Lightness to the Role

The world often feels like it’s in a chronic coma, Paige said. And without being too grandiose, I want to be a part of something which helps people to snap out of it. Her choice to join the cast of this beloved franchise was fueled by her desire to create an experience that offers respite and laughter.Taylour Paige Aims to Bring Laughter in Beverly Hills Cop Axel F with Eddie Murphy

Eddie Murphy as an Inspiration

The comedic genius of Eddie Murphy has always been a significant influence on Paige. Growing up watching The Nutty Professor and Dr. Dolittle, she described working with him as almost surreal, as though she already knew him. I grew up watching Eddie’s films—it was surreal.

Taylour Paige Aims to Bring Laughter in Beverly Hills Cop Axel F with Eddie Murphy

Drawing from his extensive career, Paige knew scenes were hitting the mark when she managed to get Murphy to giggle. The objective was to try and get the man who made the world laugh to laugh, she shared. I found it quite fun to crack him.

Support from Previous Collaborations

This isn’t the first time Paige has leaned on those around her for artistic inspiration. She cited her experiences working on Zola and Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom, alongside acting heavyweights like Viola Davis and Colman Domingo, as pivotal moments for her growth. Those films changed my life, being surrounded by such incredible artists and people who think in absurd ways like me.

Taylour Paige Aims to Bring Laughter in Beverly Hills Cop Axel F with Eddie Murphy

A Vision for Future Projects

Looking ahead, Paige expressed a desire to contribute positively through her work. She aims to inspire and awaken others, anchoring this vision in the humbling realization of our fleeting existence. I want to put beautiful things into the world, to stir something up. We’re only here for a blip. Help your brother, help your sister.

This philosophy aligns seamlessly with the teachings of spiritual leaders like Swami Chinmayananda, whose focus on wisdom worship through sacred texts advocated living with fulfillment. Though unrelated directly, such inspirations amplify Paige’s drive towards creating impactful art that resonates deeply.

A Refreshing Take in Classic Franchise

Taylour Paige’s playful attitude on set and her dedication to both making others laugh and delivering meaningful performances promise a refreshing layer to Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F. The film gives fans renewed excitement, offering moments of levity shaped by genuine camaraderie.

Taylour Paige Aims to Bring Laughter in Beverly Hills Cop Axel F with Eddie Murphy

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