Supermassive Black Holes Can Change Direction of Their Powerful Jets

Astronomers have been fascinated by black holes for years, partly due to the extreme physics involved. Now, based on recent findings, these black holes exhibit even more intriguing behavior by changing the direction of their jets.

Supermassive Black Holes Can Change Direction of Their Powerful Jets

Supermassive Black Holes Show Movement

New research published in The Astrophysical Journal examines the movement of jets emanating from supermassive black holes at the centers of galaxies. Using data from the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) and Chandra X-ray Observatory, scientists dubbed these phenomena ‘Death Star’ black holes due to their dynamic jet orientations.

Jets Create Space Voids

Black holes are surrounded by hot gases visible in Chandra’s X-ray data. These jets, consisting of superheated particles, create pockets free of gas as they push it away. These voids correspond to areas lacking signals in the X-ray data.

Changing Jet Directions

Interestingly, researchers discovered that in six out of the 16 black holes they studied, the jets had significantly shifted direction. In some cases, this resulted in a 90-degree change. Something that occurred within a time frame as short as one million years—a blink of an eye for objects over 10 billion years old.

The Broader Impact on Galaxies

This change in jet direction has broader cosmic implications. Cosmologists hypothesize that these disruptive jets set an upper limit on star formation within their host galaxies. By not allowing surrounding gases and dust to cool sufficiently, they prevent the formation of stars and planets.

Gerrit Schellenberger explains, Changing the direction of the giant black hole beams in about a million years is analogous to changing the direction of a new battleship in a few minutes.

Theories Behind The Change

Several theories aim to explain why these jets move. One posits that matter orbiting around and falling into the black hole causes it to rotate, hence moving the jets. Another proposes that external cosmological forces might be responsible for these shifts; however, this is less likely to account for the observed phenomena.

New Avenues For Research

The authors note that more science needs to be conducted to fully understand these movements. This new generation of researchers is fueled by breakthroughs and technology such as NRAO facilities and Chandra’s X-ray observatories, which continue to revolutionize our understanding of black holes and their impact on Supermassive Black Holes Can Change Direction of Their Powerful Jetstheir cosmic environment.

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