Squid Game Cast Wraps Filming for Seasons 2 and 3 with Grand Celebration

“Squid Game” enthusiasts, buckle up! OSEN recently reported an exciting update: the cast and crew of the series have wrapped up filming for not just Season 2 but also Season 3. They celebrated with a two-day wrap party in Gapyeong from June 11 to June 12.

Squid Game Cast Wraps Filming for Seasons 2 and 3 with Grand Celebration

Filming Strategy and Release Plans

A source disclosed, It’s true that Seasons 2 and 3 were filmed at the same time. To be precise, a long story was filmed, which will be split and released as Seasons 2 and 3. Season 2 will feature six episodes, while Season 3 is expected to have six to seven episodes. This approach mirrors Netflix’s strategy with other hit series like The Glory.

Netflix Playing Coy on Official Details

When asked about the upcoming seasons, Netflix commented, We’re in the final stages of preparing for the release of ‘Squid Game’ Season 2. We can’t provide definitive details about Season 3 yet.

Squid Game Cast Wraps Filming for Seasons 2 and 3 with Grand Celebration

Narrative Continuation

The new season picks up with Sung Ki Hoon (Lee Jung Jae), who opts to pursue goals linked to the dangerous game instead of moving to the United States. The central plot still revolves around a survival battle with an enormous prize of 45.6 billion won (around $33 million).

Squid Game Cast Wraps Filming for Seasons 2 and 3 with Grand Celebration

Star-Studded Cast

This season offers a rich ensemble featuring both returning stars like Lee Jung Jae and Lee Byung Hun, as well as fresh faces such as Kang Ha Neul, Jo Yu Ri, and Wi Ha Joon.

Squid Game Cast Wraps Filming for Seasons 2 and 3 with Grand CelebrationSquid Game Cast Wraps Filming for Seasons 2 and 3 with Grand Celebration

Anticipation Building

During a guest appearance on Pinggyego, Yoo Jae Suk’s YouTube show, Lee Jung Jae revealed that ‘Squid Game’ Season 2 is in its final stages of filming. It will be released in winter.

Excitement is palpable among fans who are eagerly waiting for their next dose of this survival drama. Stay tuned for more updates!

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