Should Halle Berry Do Catwoman Or A John Wick Spin-Off?

Should Halle Berry Do Catwoman Or A John Wick Spin-Off?

Academy award-winning actress Halle Berry made it big last year with her directorial debut, the intense sports drama, Bruised. If you haven’t seen it already, get on Netflix and watch her fight Valentina Shevchenko, the real-life women’s flyweight champion in the UFC. This was something she starred in and directed, which is a big challenge for any actor. Go listen to her talk about it during interviews and she reveals that she spent two years training in mixed martial arts in preparation for the movie. To her credit, she made everything look authentic and fun to watch. And I still can’t get over the fact that she’s in her mid-fifties. No, seriously, she’s technically no spring chicken, but she still looks like one. And after watching her kick some butt in Bruised, she proved that she can move like a women half her age. That is seriously impressive, but I think we need to appreciate the fact that she was successful with her directorial debut, as well as starring in it. After watching Bruised, I am very curious to see what Halle Berry will do next. Based on what I’m hearing, it sounds like she’s already got a few things in mind. Recently, she revealed that Sofia, her character from John Wick 3, will not be in the fourth movie. That’s lame, but we should appreciate the fact that she really dedicated herself to the physicality of that role. Go on YouTube and watch her train with Keanu Reeves. Honestly, the two of them could have a rare case of decelerated aging. Either that or they’re both immortal.

If you do want to see Halle Berry reprise her role as Sofia, you might be in luck. According to her, there’s a chance her character might get a spin-off movie. That’s a big might, but it’s also not too crazy to think that it could happen. So far, we know that the John Wick series will become an expanded universe. Lionsgate TV is currently working on a series for The Continental and another called Ballerina. If you’ve seen the third movie, which I know you have, then you’ll understand the title. Speaking of which, Ana de Armas will be leading the Ballerina series, and I can see Halle Berry meeting her character in it. And as for the Continental series, Lionsgate bagged Mel Gibson for a leading role. Okay, now we know they’re really committing to making John Wick a cinematic universe. You just don’t grab top notch talent like that with low-level aspirations. If that’s the case, then it’s really not too crazy to think that Halle Berry will get her own spin-off movie. Personally, this is something I would watch because Halle Berry is just so cool. Even back in the day, she proved that she could be a capable action lady.

Let’s be honest, she was the best thing about Die Another Day. Pierce Bronson was cool, but seeing a love interest who could actually fight better than him was fun to watch. And yes, she would put on a rather skimpy outfit and fight some criminals in another action movie, but I’ll touch more on that in a minute. I think we should just appreciate the fact that she is still capable of giving us that femme fatale character we love seeing. The only problem with her John Wick spin-off is that I don’t think it will work without Keanu Reeves. It just might be one of those things that’s fun to watch, but by the end of it, we’ll probably be asking why Keanu Reeves wasn’t in it. I mean, it’s either that or, wait for it, another Catwoman movie. Yes, you read that right. But hold on, why would she even consider returning to what was arguably the biggest blunder of her career? Well, Halle Berry herself has said that she’s willing to give the Catwoman role another go. You know, for redemption, but if you’ve seen the movie, you can tell she tried her absolute best to make that travesty watchable. On a side note, watching her accept her Razzie award was the funniest acceptance speech ever.

What’s even more surprising was that Halle Berry even said she wanted to direct a Catwoman movie. Talk about wanting to redeem yourself, huh? You know what? I say let her go for it. After watching Bruised, I think she can handle starring in an action movie while being the director. She’ll be able to watch her own handiwork as Catwoman and would know what holes to fill. And maybe even wear a less skimpy outfit. Okay, maybe not, because as much as everyone hates that movie, how many of you disliked watching her do the cat walk on the rooftop? That’s what I thought. So if you had to pick between Halle Berry doing another Catwoman movie or a John Wick spin-off movie, which would you choose? There’s actually a chance she could do both, but I won’t lie, I would really like to see her take on a Catwoman movie. Just listening to her talk about wanting to direct it intrigues me. I think she does get the character and wants to show us her interpretation of Selina Kyle. Yes, she needs to be Selina Kyle, not whoever her character was in that movie. What was her name again? It doesn’t even matter, but if she’s really willing to commit to this, then I’ll watch it. Watching what an older Selina Kyle would be like sounds like a good take on the character and I think Halle Berry has a story in mind.

And what about a John Wick spin-off? It sounds like fun, but I think without Keanu Reeves, I think it might feel empty. The spin-off shows sound cool because they can expand the mythology of the John Wick world. A movie about Sofia will just be Halle Berry fighting and shooting. Not that that’s bad, but is it enough to warrant a whole movie? Her issue with her daughter is something that can be explored in a future John Wick movie or in a series. I think Sofia would make for a good supporting character in either one of them, and yes, she needs her dogs with her. I’m starting to think the whole series is about appreciating dogs more. What are your thoughts? Should Halle Berry do Catwoman or a John Wick spin-off? I’m leaning more towards Catwoman, but time will tell. All I know is, I want to see Halle Berry direct more.Ana de Armas

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