10 Things You Didn’t Know about Sarah Steele

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Sarah Steele

Sarah Steele is is only 31 years old, but she has been acting for nearly 20 years. Steele made her on screen debut in 2004, and has been able to find consistent work ever since. Over the years, Steele has made appearances in shows like Blue Bloods, Girls, and Nurse Jackie. But despite dozens of acting credits, Steele’s big break didn’t come until 2017. She is best-known for her role as Marissa Gold in The Good Fight. Aside from playing Marissa, Sarah has some other great projects in the works. Keep reading for 10 things you didn’t know about Sarah Steele.

1. Both Of Her Parents Are Doctors

It’s kind of surprising that Sarah didn’t choose to go into the medical field seeing as how both of her parents are doctors. Her mother is an an oncologist and her father is an internal medicine physician. Both of her parents work at the University of Pennsylvania.

2. She Went To The Same High School As M. Night Shyamalan

Sarah Steele was born and raised in Philadelphia. She attended a private religious school called The Episcopal Academy which is located in the suburban town of Newtown Square. Academy Award nominated filmmakerNight Shyamalan also attended The Episcopal Academy. However, he graduated about well over a decade before Sarah was a student there.

3. She Studied English

After beginning her career in acting as a teenager, Sarah decided that she wanted to take a break from the industry to focus on her education. She enrolled in Columbia University where she earned a bachelor’s degree in English.

4. She’s Committed To Playing Characters Who Are Her Age

Like many other actors, Sarah has often been cast to play teenagers. It wasn’t until 2016 that she was cast as a character who was the same age as her. After that role, Sarah decided that she no longer had any interest in playing younger characters. Sarah says she came to the decision after realizing “I just got to a point where it’s like, I’ve been on this earth for too many years to carry around a backpack and talk about my algebra homework.”

5. Exercise Is Very Important To Her

Living the life of an actor can be incredibly hectic, especially when you’re a regular on a popular series and are working on other projects on the side. Working out is of the ways that Sarah keeps herself grounded through all the chaos. Exercising on a regular basis has kept Sarah feel more confident.

6. She Likes To Portray Self Confident Women

Prior to her role as Marissa, Sarah says she never had the opportunity to play strong and confident characters. She will forever be grateful to the The Good Fight for giving her the opportunity to do that. She told Hareetz. “I was always invited to portray girls who keep apologizing and cry about the fact that they’re not pretty enough. I was somewhat frustrated by that narrative, because I’m not like that, and it was my first opportunity to play someone who’s just the opposite.”

7. She’s Not Afraid To Share Her Political Views

Lots of people in the public eye are a bit hesitant to share their personal views out of fear that it could cause them to lose people’s support. But that isn’t something that Sarah is concerned about and she’s not afraid to share her opinion on things like politics and current events.

8. She Doesn’t Have Traditional Acting Training

Sarah’s journey to professional acting has been a bit unconventional. She didn’t study theater in college and never recieved any formal training to become an actor. Sarah is self-taught in a lot of ways and used her background as a creative writer to help her sharpen her skills as an actress.

9. She Is Writing Her Next Project

Even though Sarah loves to act, she is a creative writer at heart. She wrote all through college and now uses her free time to continue to write. She is currently working with her writing partner to develop an onscreen version of a story she heard about the fall of the Berlin Wall.  Sarah isn’t sure if the project will be a film or a mini-series.

10. She Says The #MeToo Movement Has Had A Positive Impact On The Industry

In 2017, the hashtag MeToo became a term of solidarity among people who had been victims of sexual assault and/or harassment. The MeToo movement gained especially strong traction in the entertainment industry. There has been a lot of debates about the effectiveness of the movement, but many people believe it brought much needed attention to some of the inappropriate behind the scenes. Sarah Steele believes the popularity of the movement has made things much more comfortable for women in entertainment.

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