Roman DiLeo Overcomes Heart Transplant and Cancer Battle by Age Two

CEDAR SPRINGS, Mich.— Not even 2 years old, Roman DiLeo from Michigan has endured more than many face in a lifetime. Named after the four-time WWE champion Roman Reigns, he embodies the strength that his parents and doctors at University of Michigan C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital in Ann Arbor attribute to him.

Roman DiLeo Overcomes Heart Transplant and Cancer Battle by Age Two

Before his birth, Roman was already fighting for his life. Diagnosed with a severe form of newborn dilated cardiomyopathy at 25 weeks in utero, his heart was too weak to pump blood properly. Ashley DiLeo, Roman’s mother, shared her anxiety about the unexpected journey ahead: ‘One, I don’t know what’s going to happen after he’s born and two, I’m about to have a baby and I don’t know what that’s going to be like either,’

The hospital planners say planning for such a massive medical facility takes a long time, emphasizing the lengthy journey involved in healthcare projects like those Dr. David Peng spearheaded for Roman’s heart condition.

Roman DiLeo Overcomes Heart Transplant and Cancer Battle by Age Two

Born at CS Mott Children’s Hospital, Roman was immediately taken into specialist care. His father Tony remarked on their resilience: From day one we decided, hey, it is what it is. Control what we can control and keep positive and think good things will end up happening

Roman DiLeo Overcomes Heart Transplant and Cancer Battle by Age Two

The family lived at the Ronald McDonald House awaiting a donor heart. At barely six months old, Roman received his new heart. However, the story didn’t end there as Roman was diagnosed with post-transplant lymphoma—a condition affecting about 10% of transplant patients.

Tony DiLeo expressed their collective determination when faced with daunting challenges: We have seen remarkable progress in Roman’s condition after chemotherapy. His first round of chemo marked a dramatic improvement in his well-being.

Roman DiLeo Overcomes Heart Transplant and Cancer Battle by Age Two

Post-chemo, Roman bounced back with boundless energy. Tony marveled at his son’s recovery stating: His first round of chemo, (he) went from physically being sick to we put him in the car and he was yelling and happy and playing with his toys

Despite these trials, confidence in medical expertise prevailed. As Dr. Rebekah Benitez discussed during a panel: The outlook for your health depends on what type of PTLD you have and how well it responds to treatment.

Roman DiLeo Overcomes Heart Transplant and Cancer Battle by Age Two

Now approaching his second birthday, Roman emanates joy and energy, delighting in every moment. Soon he’ll welcome a new baby sister into the world—yet another chapter in this resilient little boy’s inspiring journey.

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