Robert Pattinson Produces New Remake of Cult Horror Classic Possession

Excitement Builds Over New Possession Remake

There’s a thrilling new project in the works that has sparked a heated bidding war: a remake of the 1981 psychological horror film, Possession, directed by Parker Finn with Robert Pattinson joining as producer. This collaboration has already drawn attention from major studios like Netflix, A24, Warner Bros., Sony, and Paramount.

Robert Pattinson Produces New Remake of Cult Horror Classic Possession

Revisiting the Intense Psychological Drama

The original Possession, directed by Andrzej Żuławski, is renowned for its intense narrative and unsettling visuals. The plot revolves around a spy named Mark, portrayed by Sam Neill, who returns home to his wife Anna, played by Isabelle Adjani. Their tumultuous relationship spirals into infidelity, violence, and encounters with a tentacled alien creature. I had this tremendous urge for revenge on Isabelle while we were working. When I was living with that story in intense scene requirements, I relished the thought of inflicting damage on her. I was quite prepared to strangle her if necessary. reflects Sam Neill on his character’s dark journey.

Robert Pattinson Produces New Remake of Cult Horror Classic Possession

Parker Finn Explores New Heights

Parker Finn, known for his work on Smile, is set to write the script and direct this eerie remake. His upcoming sequel to Smile is slated for an October 18, 2024 release. Finn aims for an expanded yet intimate vision for this project.

Robert Pattinson Produces New Remake of Cult Horror Classic Possession

Robert Pattinson’s Multifaceted Role

Pattinson will also produce, but it’s unclear if he will star in the project or not. Rumors about his potential acting involvement circulate as production progresses.Robert Pattinson is only aboard as a producer. Whether he takes an acting role will depend on the screenplay.

The Original’s Lasting Impact

The narrative complexity of Żuławski’s Possession combines elements of psychological drama and supernatural horror. Its cult status has been fueled by the committed performances of Adjani and Neill alongside the film’s unique storytelling approach.

Robert Pattinson Produces New Remake of Cult Horror Classic Possession

A Frenzy of Studio Interest

The prospect of remaking such a distinctive film has intrigued many top studios.Multiple studios are currently in a heated bidding war for the rights to this movie, with Netflix, A24, Warner Bros., Sony, and Paramount all interested.The enthusiasm surrounding these early stages suggests strong commercial potential despite the inherently challenging nature of the source material.

Robert Pattinson Produces New Remake of Cult Horror Classic Possession

Finn has quietly teamed with Robert Pattinson to remake Possession, bringing new life to this harrowing tale of love, betrayal, and horror.

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