Recap of Doctor Who Season 14 Episode 6 New Twist and Enigmatic Doctor

Warning: spoilers ahead for Doctor Who season 14, episode 6, “Rogue.”

The recent episode of Doctor Who, titled “Rogue,” brings forth a surprising twist in the TARDIS. This installment unveils a hologram featuring an unexpected addition to the Doctor’s regeneration lineage. This enigmatic figure is speculated to be a Doctor predating William Hartnell’s First Doctor.

A New Face in the Canon

The holographic procession in “Rogue” joins Ncuti Gatwa’s Fifteenth Doctor and includes faces from the past canon, including John Hurt’s War Doctor and Jo Martin’s Fugitive Doctor. One peculiar visage stands out, suggesting the possibility of a pre-Hartnell regeneration.

An Enigmatic Figure

When scanned by the ship’s system, the Fifteenth Doctor is surrounded by holograms featuring his previous regenerations. Among these familiar faces, a new one appears, adding to the vast lore of the Time Lord. Where exactly this new Doctor fits into the existing timeline is yet to be determined.

Recap of Doctor Who Season 14 Episode 6 New Twist and Enigmatic Doctor

The Pre-Hartnell Theory

Mystery surrounds this new holographic Doctor, who strongly resembles Richard E. Grant. Grant portrayed the Ninth Doctor in the 2003 animated series, Scream of the Shalka, aligning with theories favoring a pre-Hartnell existence. This scenario suggests a substantial retcon to establish this incarnation within the franchise’s intricate timeline.

Recap of Doctor Who Season 14 Episode 6 New Twist and Enigmatic Doctor

Parallel Universe or Toymaker’s Intrusion?

The concept of a parallel universe or an alternate reality remains plausible, especially after Toymaker’s interference with the Time Lord’s timeline. As hinted at by Russell T Davies’ commentary on recent episodes, Toymaker’s disruptive actions have created a malleable narrative landscape.

Recap of Doctor Who Season 14 Episode 6 New Twist and Enigmatic Doctor

Exploring Bi-Generation Possibilities

An additional theory involves bi-generation. Introduced recently, bi-generation could account for new Doctors multiplying retroactively throughout history. If so, Richard E. Grant could be a bi-generated Ninth Doctor stemming from Paul McGann.

Recap of Doctor Who Season 14 Episode 6 New Twist and Enigmatic Doctor

The Canonical Implications

If indeed Grant’s portrayal returns as part of official canon, this incarnation would exist alongside established Doctors without displacing Eccleston. Fans might be treated to broader narrative arcs involving this revamped chronology.

Recap of Doctor Who Season 14 Episode 6 New Twist and Enigmatic Doctor

This development raises questions about how future episodes will incorporate these revelations and whether any further retcons or explanations will be delivered to reconcile with long-term fans’ understanding of the Time Lord’s storied history.

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