Ranking Better Call Saul’s Seven Seasons Best to Worst

Embarking on a journey through the legal alleys and moral dilemmas of Albuquerque, Better Call Saul has captivated audiences with its intricate storytelling and character evolution. As we reflect on the series’ progression, let’s rank the seven seasons from the pinnacle of narrative excellence to the more challenging conclusions.

1. Better Call Saul Season 5

Season 5 stands at the apex, with its white-knuckled restraint and intense plot developments. Jimmy McGill’s transformation into the morally ambiguous Saul Goodman is a spectacle of slow-burning entropy. By contrast, “Better Call Saul,” in the early going of its fifth and penultimate season, remains the picture of white-knuckled but real restraint. The season’s portrayal of Jimmy’s struggle between his past ideals and his emerging amorality is both compelling and heartbreaking. Ranking Better Call Saul’s Seven Seasons Best to Worst

2. Better Call Saul Season 4

The fourth season is a close contender, marked by pivotal moments that shape the series’ trajectory. The montage in “Something Stupid” is emblematic of this season’s strength, as it deconstructs Jimmy and Kim’s relationship with a haunting elegance. Despite some criticism for leaning into “Breaking Bad”-style theatrics, Season 4’s character transformations are profound. Ranking Better Call Saul’s Seven Seasons Best to Worst

3. Better Call Saul Season 3

The third season is a crucial turning point, setting up future events with finesse. One standout moment involves the tension between Salamanca’s crew and Gus Fring, which highlights the show’s ability to build suspense and deliver satisfying payoffs. Ranking Better Call Saul’s Seven Seasons Best to Worst

4. Better Call Saul Season 6

In fourth place is the final season, which provides resolutions to long-running storylines. The series finale evokes comparisons to literary classics while tying up loose ends in a way that resonates with fans. Season 6 may not have reached the heights of earlier seasons, but it concludes Jimmy’s tale with an emotional depth that satisfies viewers’ need for closure. Ranking Better Call Saul’s Seven Seasons Best to Worst

5. Better Call Saul Season 2

The second season builds on its predecessor’s foundation, exploring new depths in character relationships and moral quandaries. As one viewer put it, This is, broadly, a great place to start, and the time it took to get there was, in retrospect, well spent! It stands as a testament to the show’s narrative growth and sets up compelling conflicts for future seasons. Ranking Better Call Saul’s Seven Seasons Best to Worst

6. Better Call Saul Season 1

The inaugural season lays the groundwork for Jimmy McGill’s transformation into Saul Goodman. While some argue that it occasionally spun its wheels, waiting for connections to Breaking Bad, there is no denying its role in establishing the characters and setting that fans would grow to love. Ranking Better Call Saul’s Seven Seasons Best to Worst

7. Better Call Saul Season 7

Finally, we reach what is considered by many as the series’ nadir: Season 7. It faced the monumental task of wrapping up a beloved series and perhaps struggled under the weight of expectations set by its predecessors. The final episodes fluctuate in quality, leaving some fans feeling unsatisfied with how certain storylines concluded. Ranking Better Call Saul’s Seven Seasons Best to Worst

In summary, each season of Better Call Saul has contributed uniquely to the overarching narrative that fans have come to admire. From Jimmy McGill’s humble beginnings to his final bow as Saul Goodman, viewers have been treated to a masterclass in character development and storytelling. Whether you agree with this ranking or not, feel free to share your thoughts on how you’d arrange Saul’s saga.

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