Queen of Tears Secures Third Spot in Netflix’s Global Top 10

Overview of Queen of Tears Global Success

The enthralling drama Queen of Tears continues to capture hearts worldwide, maintaining its robust position in the prestigious Netflix’s Top 10. As of the latest reports, it stands proudly at third place globally, underscoring its widespread acclaim and the strong connection it has forged with international audiences.

Queen of Tears Secures Third Spot in Netflix’s Global Top 10

Striking Performance and Viewership Achievements

‘Queen of Tears’, featuring the dramatic love turmoil and ultimate reconciliation between Hong Hae-in and Baek Hyun-woo, given life by Kim Ji Won and Kim Soo Hyun, respectively, has not only performed well critically but also achieved remarkable viewership ratings. The drama witnessed a viewership leap from 5.9% to 8.7% by the second episode alone, garnering significant attention and praise.

Queen of Tears Secures Third Spot in Netflix’s Global Top 10

Kim Ji Won’s Dedication to Her Role

The talented actress Kim Ji Won shared insights into her personal sacrifices for her role in ‘Queen of Tears.’ I gave up carbohydrates which is my favorite food, and it’s been good so far, she disclosed, highlighting her commitment to authentically portraying an heiress. This behind-the-scenes look offers fans a glimpse into the rigor and dedication actors often undergo for their crafts.

Queen of Tears Secures Third Spot in Netflix’s Global Top 10

Collaborative Success Highlighted by Kim Ji Won

In discussions about the show’s success, Kim Ji Won praised the creative synergy she shared with renowned director Park Chan-wook, stating, I always feel like my collaboration with director Park Chan-wook allows us to create something special that resonates with audiences in unique ways. It’s these collaborative efforts that have elevated the show to its current global standing.

Queen of Tears Secures Third Spot in Netflix’s Global Top 10

Deep Dive into the Plot

The plot thickens as family dynamics and corporate drama intertwine in ‘Queen of Tears’. The storyline delves into rare themes like sickness, false charges, and hidden slush funds that have kept viewers glued to their screens: Family and friends come in clutch for our couple in light of our heroine’s sickness, our hero’s false charges at work, and the search for the hidden slush fund.

Praising Crafting by Screenwriter Park Ji Eun

Screenwriter Park Ji Eun is known for her ability to weave captivating narratives that resonate deeply with viewers. Her previous successes have set high expectations for ‘Queen of Tears,’ which she has met and exceeded with a story that mixes love crisis with humor and thrill amidst a chaotic corporate backdrop.

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