Pixar’s Jim Morris Hints at ‘Incredibles 3’ and More Sequels

Pixar’s Jim Morris Hints at ‘Incredibles 3’ and More Sequels

Pixar has long been a giant in the animation industry, celebrated for its original storytelling and creative prowess. However, recent trends seem to indicate a shift towards familiar territories: sequels. This strategy isn’t isolated to Pixar but is part of a broader Hollywood trend.

New Goals Set by Jim Morris

Pixar President Jim Morris recently highlighted a strategic plan for the studio, stating: I hope we don’t release another feature film on Disney+, If we do more stuff for Disney+, it should be a series, and then there’s a clear demarcation between what we do for theaters and what we do for streaming.

According to Morris, Pixar aims to release three movies every two years, with every other title being a sequel or spinoff. This clearly indicates an interest in continuing beloved franchises like ‘The Incredibles’ and ‘Finding Nemo’.

The Sequel Strategy

This approach is mirrored by other leading figures at Pixar. For example, Pete Docter mused about the future of the ‘Finding Nemo’ franchise:Where else have we not gone in the ocean? The ocean’s a big place. I think there’s a lot of opportunity there. We’re kind of fishing around—ha-ha.

Pixar’s Jim Morris Hints at ‘Incredibles 3’ and More Sequels

Similarly, upcoming projects like ‘Inside Out 2’ follow this sequel strategy aimed at mass appeal. Despite being based on director Kelsey Mann’s personal experiences raising his teen daughter, they fit within the wider plan to balance nostalgic IPs with new content.

Nostalgia as a Driving Force

Lindsay Collins, Pixar’s Senior VP of Development, has acknowledged that even her son views some sequels as potentially a money grab. However, she also sees potential in leveraging nostalgia. This sentiment resonates with audiences who find comfort in familiar characters and stories.

‘Inside Out 2’ as an Example

The imminent release of ‘Inside Out 2’ is pivotal in testing Pixar’s strategy. Building on the popular original, ‘Inside Out’, it ventures into Riley’s adolescence. New emotions like Envy, Boredom, and Embarrassment indicate fresh narrative directions while capitalizing on established fan interest.

Kelsey Mann shared insights into developing the sequel:After doing a lot of research on changes in the brain of teenagers, we came up with the idea of workers breaking down the emotional control headquarters and expanded the story.

Pixar’s Jim Morris Hints at ‘Incredibles 3’ and More Sequels

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