Patricia Richardson Reveals Disney Cancelled Home Improvement Over Equal Pay Request

In a recent interview with the Los Angeles Times, Patricia Richardson revealed significant behind-the-scenes details about the cancellation of the beloved 1990s sitcom Home Improvement. According to Richardson, her request for equal pay compared to her co-star Tim Allen was a pivotal factor in ending the show.

Patricia Richardson Reveals Disney Cancelled Home Improvement Over Equal Pay Request

Initial Agreement vs. Reality

When I took the job, they said it wasn’t meant to be the Tim Allen show. It was meant to be our show,” Richardson reflected on her role as Jill Taylor on the hit series. She emphasized her efforts to avoid playing the stereotypical thankless wife.

Efforts for Equality

By Season 3, Richardson negotiated a deal ensuring four Jill-centric episodes per season and a profit share. However, she received no producer credit even though Tim Allen became an executive producer in Season 6.

Patricia Richardson Reveals Disney Cancelled Home Improvement Over Equal Pay Request

Season 9: The Final Offer

Come Season 8, both actors were approached with offers for a lucrative ninth season. Allen was promised $2 million per episode, while Richardson was offered $1 million. She declined and countered with a request for equal pay and an executive producer credit, knowing it would be refused.

Patricia Richardson Reveals Disney Cancelled Home Improvement Over Equal Pay Request

A Deliberate Counter-Proposal

I knew that Disney would in no way pay me that much, Patricia noted. This counter-proposal served as her way of saying no to extending her role, which ultimately led to the show’s end.

Patricia Richardson Reveals Disney Cancelled Home Improvement Over Equal Pay Request

The Aftermath and Reflection

The decision led to tension between Richardson and Allen. Reflecting on her contributions, she said: I was a big reason why women were watching. Despite this, she’s proud of what Home Improvement meant to its viewers. The show’s legacy remains valuable in TV history.

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