Ozzy Osbourne Announces He Won’t Be Touring Anymore

For years, Ozzy Osbourne has been delighting some people with his music and terrifying others with the same. Whether you love him or hate him, you have to admit that he has been a music icon for a number of decades now. Recently, he made the announcement that he was not going to be doing any more tours after the one that is scheduled to start in the very near future.

Granted, he made that same announcement once before and then ended up going right back to touring, but he swears this time he means it. When asked what caused him to have a change of heart, he cited not having enough time with his family, especially his grandchildren. Osbourne even commented on the fact that he was never around to see either of his children grow up and now, he realizes that if he continues to tour he will miss watching his grandchildren as they grow.

Without a doubt, age has to have something to do with it. After all, when he finishes the tour that he is about to start, he will be a whopping 72 years of age. That alone is enough to make most people rethink being away from home every night just so they can be in a different city from one day to the next. In reality, he really hasn’t had a lot of time with any of his family, including his wife. According to her, this is something that has been talked about and looked forward to for quite a long time.

Osbourne also points out that while he won’t be touring any longer, he is in no way planning to disappear. He claims that he could never possibly give up his music and that he will still perform from time to time on a local or regional scale, just not as part of a tour. That should make fans happy, as they still could potentially have the chance to see him as he performs his music, even after the upcoming tour has ended.

There is no doubt that the life of a touring musician is a difficult one. For some people, it is unfathomable to imagine waking up in a different city every single day, often to the point of not even knowing for sure which city you are actually in. These individuals spend an enormous amount of time away from their family, their friends, and basically everything else that is familiar to them, with the exception of the people they are playing with. It is a life that can take a toll on any individual, no matter how long they have been in the business. As a matter of fact, most people that have been doing it for a long time eventually find that it is just difficult for them to continue on because they are burned out when it comes to touring. Perhaps there is some portion of this burnout that is playing a role in Osbourne’s decision to stay home more. Perhaps the sole reason he doesn’t want to tour any longer really is the grandchildren, as it sounds like he has realized that this is time that he can never get back.

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