Original Blair Witch Actors Demand Residuals After 25 Years

Introduction to the Heart of the Dispute

The original stars of ‘The Blair Witch Project’, Heather Donahue, Joshua Leonard, and Michael Williams, have made a bold appeal to Lionsgate. Almost 25 years post the film’s release, they demand not just retroactive and future residuals but also a say in any subsequent projects that may use their personal likenesses. This confrontation ignited following a new movie announcement by Lionsgate which plans to reboot this horror classic.

Original Blair Witch Actors Demand Residuals After 25 Years

Core of Their Claims

In a joint statement (via Deadline), Leonard, Donahue and Williams are asking that Lionsgate fork over past and future The Blair Witch Project residuals ‘for acting services rendered in the original BWP, equivalent to the sum that would’ve been allotted through SAG-AFTRA, had we had proper union or legal representation when the film was made.’ This explicitly underscores their stance on wanting fair compensation aligned with industry standards for their monumental effort back in 1999.

Further escalating their demands, they seek ‘meaningful consultation‘ on any future endeavors related to the iconic horror film—from reboots and sequels to toys and games—any project where their identities might intersect.

Original Blair Witch Actors Demand Residuals After 25 Years

An Innovative Proposal

Beyond immediate financial rectifications, the trio proposes an inventive way to give back: A $60,000 ‘Blair Witch Grant’. In alignment with their original film’s budget, this grant would assist unknown genre filmmakers in creating their first feature film. This initiative reflects not only a remedy to their grievances but also paves a way forward in supporting the next generation of filmmakers.

Any future project in the ‘BWP’ series and a yearly $60,000 grant for Lionsgate to pay aspiring filmmakers to make their first feature-length movie.

Original Blair Witch Actors Demand Residuals After 25 Years

Lionsgate’s Prior Endeavors and Current Silence

The attempt to reignite The Blair Witch brand isn’t a new move by Lionsgate; there was notably minimal box-office success with the 2016 revival which grossed $45 million globally. Despite owning the Blair Witch-themed escape room that operates in Las Vegas now, Lionsgate’s spokesperson has yet to comment on these recent demands by Donahue, Leonard, and Williams.

This situation highlights not just a fight for due residuals but also for respect and recognition from the original cast who became iconic faces tied irrevocably with ‘The Blair Witch Project.’

Original Blair Witch Actors Demand Residuals After 25 Years

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