OG Film Digital Rights Acquired Paving Way for Theatrical Release

The much-anticipated film OG, a collaboration between Pawan Kalyan and director Sujith, is being produced by DVV Danayya.

This project was cleverly managed by Trivikram Srinivas, ensuring Pawan had less workload but higher pay. As Pawan amusingly noted, I have people who are 20 and 22 years younger than me in the team who worked on the film almost like their lives depended on it.

OG Film Digital Rights Acquired Paving Way for Theatrical Release

Filming and Delays

A significant portion of the filming is done, needing just ten more days of Pawan’s time to wrap it up. Still, Pawan’s rigorous election campaign caused delays. He traveled extensively under the sun, often skipping meals – affecting his appearance. As he hinted, If Pawan works out hard for a few days, he will recover his look. Therefore, this needs to be addressed as well.

OG Film Digital Rights Acquired Paving Way for Theatrical Release

Management and Logistics

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OG Film Digital Rights Acquired Paving Way for Theatrical Release

Digital Rights and Future Prospects

An essential hurdle for OG‘s release has been its digital sales. Despite generating significant buzz, the film’s non-theatrical rights hadn’t been sold yet. This is crucial because the timing of these sales will influence its theatrical release date.

Additionally, another subplot involves Pawan’s upcoming projects. He is still vested in completing Hari Hara Veeramallu. OG Film Digital Rights Acquired Paving Way for Theatrical Release

Pawan’s Scriptwriting Endeavors

Pawan Kalyan is known for his multitasking skills. Alongside his acting commitments, he is writing scripts for Sithara Entertainments and Fortune Four Cinemas.

OG Film Digital Rights Acquired Paving Way for Theatrical Release

Conclusion: What Lies Ahead?

The recent scoop reveals that director Sujeeth has laid out plans for an enticing ten-minute action-packed intro scene featuring Pawan Kalyan. With such meticulous planning and enthusiasm displayed by both cast and crew, fans eagerly await further announcements.

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