North Carolina Fishing Team Wins $1.7M at Big Rock Blue Marlin Tournament with 504-Pound Catch


Key Points
Dramatic Final Day: The closing hours of the 66th Big Rock Blue Marlin Tournament were thrilling, with teams battling intense competition. North Carolina’s Greg McCoy reflected on the nail-biting experience of fighting a marlin for six hours.
Sensation’s Disqualification: Sensation, a North Carolina team, faced heartbreak as their impressive catch was disqualified after extensive review by tournament officials, missing out on potential earnings of up to $2.77 million.
WideSpread’s Victory: The vessel WideSpread, captained by Jay Watson and featuring a crew from Raleigh, emerged victorious with a 656.5-pound blue marlin caught by 19-year-old Cole Pirrung. Their achievement secured a $1,678,250 first-place prize.


The 66th Big Rock Blue Marlin Tournament was nothing short of spectacular, with dramatic moments and impressive catches keeping the audience on the edge of their seats. The event, renowned for its fierce competition and large cash prizes, saw North Carolina‘s fishing teams battling the waves and each other to land the biggest marlin. As the final day approached, tensions were high, and the stakes even higher. The anticipation and excitement in the air were palpable, promising an unforgettable conclusion to this prestigious tournament.

From thrilling last-minute catches to unexpected twists and turns, this year’s tournament showcased the skills and determination of its participants. Fans and competitors alike were eager to see who would take home the top prize and the glory that comes with it. The competition was fierce, the camaraderie strong, and the moments of triumph and disappointment were shared by all. As the tournament unfolded, it became clear that this year’s event would go down in history as one of the most memorable yet.

The excitement and intensity of the 66th Big Rock Blue Marlin Tournament reached a crescendo as a North Carolina fishing team snagged a prize of $1.7 million for landing a massive 504-pound blue marlin.

Dramatic Moments on the Final Day

North Carolina Fishing Team Wins $1.7M at Big Rock Blue Marlin Tournament with 504-Pound Catch

The tournament’s closing hours were nothing short of thrilling. Greg McCoy, who was part of the North Carolina fishing team, recalled, It’s the final hour, the final day and we fought with him for six hours. It’s a tough pill to swallow.

The Triumph of Capt. Rom Whitaker

Kinston native Rom Whitaker, who captained the vessel Release, had much to celebrate. Capturing a marlin that took 1 hour and 7 minutes to reel in, his efforts earned them $1,729,750 in the MTU & Western Branch Diesel Level V Fabulous Fisherman’s prize.

Sensation’s Close Call

North Carolina Fishing Team Wins $1.7M at Big Rock Blue Marlin Tournament with 504-Pound Catch

The North Carolina team known as Sensation held their breath as they brought in their impressive catch. While they stood to earn up to $2.77 million for first place and an additional $739,500, fate had other plans.

Tournament officials reviewed Sensation’s entry extensively and disqualified it after consulting several experts. This left the door open for another competitor to seize victory.

WideSpread’s Stunning Achievement

The vessel WideSpread emerged triumphant with their monumental 656.5-pound blue marlin. Guided by local Captain Jay Watson and a crew from Raleigh, this colossal catch was reeled in by 19-year-old Cole Pirrung late that Friday evening. Their win secured them an impressive $1,678,250 first-place prize.

Future Prospects for the Tournament

The Big Rock Blue Marlin Tournament continues to be a landmark event. Enthusiastic volunteers contribute to its success every year. As one organizer mentioned, We suggest reaching out in the fall as that’s when we begin our event planning process.

North Carolina Fishing Team Wins $1.7M at Big Rock Blue Marlin Tournament with 504-Pound Catch

With each passing year, anticipation builds around who will capture the next record-breaking marlin and what dramatic tales will unfold on these waters.

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