New Shark Thriller Takes Top Spot from Godzilla Minus One on Netflix

Netflix has witnessed a notable shake-up in its top 10 list. Godzilla Minus One, which arrived with great acclaim, has now been dethroned by a new shark film that’s causing quite the splash. Directed by Xavier Gens, known for his gritty horror narratives like Frontier(s) and The Divide, Under Paris has surged in popularity.

New Shark Thriller Takes Top Spot from Godzilla Minus One on Netflix

Under Paris, a French-language film, adds a unique twist to shark movies by relocating the fearsome predator from its oceanic home to the heart of Paris. As Paris braces for the World Triathlon Championships, scientist Sophia, played by Bérénice Bejo, learns of a giant mako shark known as Lilith lurking in the Seine.

New Shark Thriller Takes Top Spot from Godzilla Minus One on Netflix

This gripping plot is enhanced by Bejo’s captivating performance, which has been widely praised by critics. Her portrayal of Sophia adds depth and intensity to the narrative, drawing audiences into the suspenseful battle against Lilith.

New Shark Thriller Takes Top Spot from Godzilla Minus One on Netflix

Directed by a Horror Visionary

Xavier Gens brings his distinct style to Under Paris, known for pushing boundaries and exploring dark themes. His direction ensures an intense and gritty experience that keeps viewers on edge. According to early reviews, comparisons have been drawn between this film and Spielberg’s classic Jaws.

New Shark Thriller Takes Top Spot from Godzilla Minus One on Netflix

Early Reactions are Positive

Since its recent release, reactions to Under Paris have been surprisingly positive. Michael Nordine of Variety noted that it might be one of the best shark movies following in the wake of Jaws. Daily Dead’s Matt Donato praised the film for blending elements of iconic shark horrors with its own unique tempo.

New Shark Thriller Takes Top Spot from Godzilla Minus One on Netflix

A viewer enthusiastically commented, “Watched this last night. Thought it was highly entertaining.” This encapsulates the general sentiment surrounding the film as it continues to gain traction among audiences.

A Formidable Foe and Chaotic Finale

The film’s antagonist, Lilith, brings havoc to an already tense environment. The story builds towards a truly chaotic finale that is sure to captivate anyone with an appetite for destruction.

The Future Remains Bright for Godzilla Minus One

If you’ve enjoyed Godzilla Minus One, you’re in good company—it remains one of the best new additions on Netflix. Celebrated for its technical achievements and engaging narrative, it’s still highly recommended even after being dethroned.

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