Ncuti Gatwa Shines in Doctor Who Series 14 Episodes Review

The much-anticipated new era of Doctor Who arrives with Russell T. Davies back at the helm and Ncuti Gatwa as the Doctor. The first two episodes, Space Babies and The Devil’s Chord, set an exhilarating stage for this refreshed series.

Ncuti Gatwa Shines in Doctor Who Series 14 Episodes Review

A Fresh Start for a Beloved Show

We kick off with Space Babies, a playful romp through space that presents an intriguing blend of cuteness and chaos. Millie Gibson’s debut as Ruby Sunday adds a vibrant dynamic to the series. Her chemistry with Gatwa is instantly palpable, injecting a youthful energy reminiscent of iconic companion introductions from past seasons.

Ncuti Gatwa Shines in Doctor Who Series 14 Episodes Review

The episode smartly balances whimsical moments, like babies navigating the cosmos in strollers, with deeper themes that resonate with current socio-political issues. There’s a notably blunt allegory about abortion rights in the US, accompanied by a rousing speech from the Doctor on embracing being unorthodox. This paradoxical blending of topics might seem jarring but underscores Davies’ bold narrative style.

The Magic of Music and Time Travel

Episode two, titled The Devil’s Chord, stands out as a testament to how music and history can intertwine within the Doctor Who universe. Here, Gatwa’s delightful portrayal shines brightly as he and Ruby find themselves amid an altered 1960s London where music is lost to sinister forces. The clever insertion of cultural references adds layers to this plot, making it both nostalgic and fresh.

Ncuti Gatwa Shines in Doctor Who Series 14 Episodes Review

Jinkx Monsoon’s performance as the villainous Maestro delivers a captivating mix of malevolence and flamboyance. The episode is punctuated by an unexpected yet delightful musical number that channels Davies’ flair for grandiose storytelling (the scores of dancers telling the world that this show has a green light to do whatever it wants). Such sequences highlight how Doctor Who continues to evolve while honoring its rich legacy.

Ncuti Gatwa: A Doctor for a New Era

From his very first moments on screen, Ncuti Gatwa establishes himself as an unmistakably charismatic Doctor. His ability to switch between staggering gravitas and infectious joy makes his portrayal both compelling and authentic. It’s precisely this balance that ensures he resonates strongly with both longtime fans and newcomers alike.

Ncuti Gatwa Shines in Doctor Who Series 14 Episodes Review

Davies’ return marks a significant turn for the series (I’m beyond excited to be back on my favourite show, he expressed), infusing it with familiar themes but presented through a contemporary lens. This shift aims to recapture the show’s original magic while ensuring it remains accessible (joyous and accessible for both longtime fans and newcomers). The decision to team up with Disney+ has enabled bolder storytelling possibilities, even though it comes with some growing pains.

Ncuti Gatwa Shines in Doctor Who Series 14 Episodes Review

A Promise for Future Adventures

This reboot on Disney+ demonstrates that Doctor Who remains a boundary-pushing series aiming to strike the perfect balance between light-heartedness and heartfelt drama. Davies’ deft narrative touch ensures complex characters and stories are ever-present while Gatwa’s dynamic presence propels the series into exciting new territories.

Ncuti Gatwa Shines in Doctor Who Series 14 Episodes Review

The enduring allure of Doctor Who lies in its capacity for reinvention. With Gatwa at its heart, we can anticipate ingenious storylines that celebrate not just time travel but also robust character development. As we witness Ruby Sunday’s journey alongside her enigmatic guide, one thing remains certain: New dimensions await.

Ncuti Gatwa Shines in Doctor Who Series 14 Episodes Review

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