Unraveling the Mystery of ‘Moonshiners’: Is It Real or Fake?


Exploring the Phenomenon of ‘Moonshiners’

Moonshiners has captivated audiences, whether they’re familiar with the show or not. Some viewers might be intrigued by the production of illegal moonshine, while others might be curious about the people living in a town called Climax. One debate surrounding this show never seems to end: is it real or fake? Can Tim Smith genuinely produce illegal moonshine, which is against the law, on national television without facing legal consequences? The simple answer is no, but we think we know why this show works and how it treads the line between reality and fiction without turning Tim Smith into the newest member of Orange is the New Black: Moonshine Edition.

moonshiners show

Illegality and Regulation

Many people believe that moonshine is illegal due to a lack of regulation. Taste issues must be considered, but according to Tim Smith, that’s not the problem. Moonshine is illegal because the federal government cannot tax it; therefore, they don’t want it sold.


Getting Caught in the Act

According to Tim Smith, you can make all the illegal moonshine you want as long as no one catches you. Isn’t that how most criminals operate? They’re successful bank robbers, kidnappers, and drug dealers until someone apprehends them. Smith states that you have to be physically caught by the law making moonshine to be arrested for it — not just watched on television months after the fact.

tim and his tractor

Tim Smith: Retired Moonshiner?

Tim Smith refers to himself as retired. He alludes to spending many years making illegal moonshine in the past and claims he no longer does it. Of course, that’s what we’d all say.

tim and tickle

Is the Show Fake?

Is the show fake? Does Discovery Channel genuinely air a show that boasts about the illegal production of moonshine when it’s not legal? We have no real idea, as answering that question might lead to trouble. If the network says yes, they will end up in legal hot water. If they say no, people won’t want to watch the show.

tim smith

A Dramatization Theory

The best explanation we can come up with is that this show is a dramatization. What we mean is that perhaps Tim Smith does or did make moonshine illegally as a way of life, but he’s not doing it on camera. It’s our suspicion that what he is doing on camera is demonstrating how illegal moonshine dealing would be done — and it might be his way of showing us what he did his entire life now that he is ‘retired’ from the business.

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