Melissa Gorga Rejects Teresa Giudice’s Gift at Housewarming Party

Melissa Gorga Rejects Teresa Giudice’s Gift at Housewarming Party

The Real Housewives of New Jersey’s Melissa Gorga swiftly rejected any gift from her sister-in-law Teresa Giudice and her husband Luis Ruelas. In Season 14, Episode 7, Melissa welcomed Rachel Fuda to her and Joe Gorga’s housewarming party.

Shocking Gesture from Teresa

Rachel revealed that she and John Fuda met with Teresa and Luis in the prior episode, aiming for peace despite ongoing tensions. Teresa had accused John of being the biggest drug dealer in Bergen County, while he countered by calling Teresa the poster child for mortgage fraud. During this tumultuous interaction, Teresa asked Rachel to bring a bottle of liquor as a gift for Joe.

Melissa Gorga Rejects Teresa Giudice’s Gift at Housewarming Party

Rachel told Melissa she refused to deliver the bottle to the party: When I was walking out, I looked at it and was like, ‘I’m not taking that sh-t.’

Rejecting Any Gifts

Melissa confirmed that Joe would not have accepted any gift from Teresa. She added, Thank god Rachel did not bring that bottle to my house. I don’t want anything to do with anything they wanna gift me.

The longstanding feud between Melissa and Teresa had once again surfaced. For years, these sisters-in-law have been at each other’s throats, often spilling over into dramatic encounters.

A Gift with Strings?

Melissa Gorga Rejects Teresa Giudice’s Gift at Housewarming Party

The story took an unexpected turn when Dolores Catania arrived at the housewarming clutching the controversial bottle wrapped with a bow from Teresa. Dolores marveled at the new home’s beauty as she entered, saying: This is unbelievable!

Doubt Cast on Teresa’s Intentions

Melissa Gorga Rejects Teresa Giudice’s Gift at Housewarming Party

Skeptical of Teresa’s motives, Melissa speculated on whether the gift could be bugged: It probably has an air tag in it. It’s probably bugged.

Emotions Run High

Tensions continued brewing as viewers were left pondering the true intentions behind Teresa’s gesture. According to the preview scenes, Rachel could instantly recognize the gift upon sight and express shock over its presence: Melissa Gorga Rejects Teresa Giudice’s Gift at Housewarming PartyI am shooketh.

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