Meghan McCain Criticizes Jennifer Lopez’s Behavior on The View

Former cohost of The View, Meghan McCain, took a pointed stance against Jennifer Lopez in her latest Citizen McCain podcast episode. During the show, McCain discussed her interactions with Lopez, labeling her as deeply unpleasant.

Meghan McCain Criticizes Jennifer Lopez’s Behavior on The View

Experiences on The View

Meghan McCain’s recent comments follow allegations that Lopez wasn’t her “favorite” guest during their time together on the ABC talk show The View. In a prior TikTok video, McCain expressed a negative experience with J.Lo, which she elaborated on in her podcast.

Meghan McCain Criticizes Jennifer Lopez’s Behavior on The View

Podcast Revelations

In the podcast, McCain highlighted that Lopez had the biggest entourage I’ve ever seen, even larger than those of Kim Kardashian and former presidents. Reflecting on the situation, McCain said, I feel bad because we’re turning a point where there’s bullying happening to J.Lo. She just is a deeply unpleasant person.

Meghan McCain Criticizes Jennifer Lopez’s Behavior on The View

TikTok Takedown

McCain went further to allege that Lopez had supposedly targeted her TikTok post after she shared her critical video. According to McCain, the video was initially removed but later reinstated, with no clear evidence of who reported it.She had our video taken down, Carlos, McCain claimed, adding that they are abstractly “beefing” with Lopez over the incident.

Cohost’s Past Encounters

Cohost Miranda Wilkins recalled Lopez’s previous visits to The View, describing how an assistant would hold a mirror with lights while touching up Lopez backstage. This revelation painted a picture of excessive demands and diva-like behavior.

Diverging Opinions from Carlos King

Media personality Carlos King offered a different perspective, remembering a time when he met Lopez during her early days promoting I’m Real. King said their interaction was pleasant and praised Lopez’s Vegas performance as one of his top five live shows.

Meghan McCain Criticizes Jennifer Lopez’s Behavior on The View

Current Endeavors and Public Response

While Lopez’s Netflix film Atlas received good streaming numbers despite mixed reviews, her album This Is Me… Now struggled on the charts. Its making-of documentary faced criticism on social media for its portrayal of her love life.Meghan McCain Criticizes Jennifer Lopez’s Behavior on The View

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