Matthew Vaughn’s Argylle Faces Unexpected Criticism Despite All-Star Cast

The espionage thriller Argylle, helmed by Matthew Vaughn, has sparked strong reactions since its January 2024 release. Despite its star-studded cast, including Bryce Dallas Howard, Henry Cavill, and Dua Lipa, the film faced harsh critical reviews.

Matthew Vaughn’s Argylle Faces Unexpected Criticism Despite All-Star Cast

Director Shocked by Negative Feedback

Vaughn expressed his surprise at the vitriolic reception: We didn't make 'Citizen Kane', but then the reviews came out, and I'm like, 'Wait, what have I done to offend these people?’

Unexpected Downturn Despite Positive Test Screenings

Matthew Vaughn’s Argylle Faces Unexpected Criticism Despite All-Star Cast

Before its release, Argylle received positive feedback in test screenings. Vaughn shared: We had done test screenings that had gone fantastically well. The premiere was a really fun night… And I started drinking the Kool-Aid. He recalled feeling optimistic, backed by favorable audience reactions.

Dua Lipa’s Stellar Acting Debut

Dua Lipa made her acting debut in Argylle, playing the villain Lagrange. Commenting on her experience, Lipa said, I feel like she’s definitely my alter-ego.

Matthew Vaughn’s Argylle Faces Unexpected Criticism Despite All-Star Cast

A Star-Studded Cast with Mixed Reception

The film features a reclusive author, Elle Conway (played by Bryce Dallas Howard). Her character uncovers real-world espionage when her stories mirror activities of genuine spy organizations. Conway crosses paths with a covert agency represented by Aidan (Sam Rockwell). Henry Cavill's role appears as visions during fight sequences.

Matthew Vaughn’s Argylle Faces Unexpected Criticism Despite All-Star Cast

Coping with Harsh Criticism

A speechless Vaughn admitted: I even went round to cinemas because I thought, 'Maybe I’ve lost the plot now.’ It did rattle me. I’m genuinely scratching my head about that…

Matthew Vaughn’s Argylle Faces Unexpected Criticism Despite All-Star Cast

A Glimmer of Hope on Streaming Platforms

Despite its poor box office performance, Argylle found success on Apple TV+. Vaughn is pleased with how well it’s performing online: The more we can get people to watch 'Argylle', the more chance we make another one. I’d love to make another one…

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