Matthew Lewis Talks About Potential Return for Harry Potter TV Series

Matthew Lewis doesn’t seem too interested in using a Time Turner to revisit his Hogwarts days.

Matthew Lewis Talks About Potential Return for Harry Potter TV Series

The actor, who portrayed Neville Longbottom in all eight Harry Potter movies, told PEOPLE in a new interview that he’s not planning to be part of the reboot television series that’s planned for Max, Warner Bros.’ streaming platform. However, he did hedge his bets a bit.

It’s not something I’m looking at or want to do but would not turn my nose up at, Lewis, now 34, said of the buzzy project. He added, I’d be very interested to see if it was Neville as an adult—a whole different vibe. That could be interesting. I would certainly look at that and consider it.

Matthew Lewis Talks About Potential Return for Harry Potter TV Series

Lewis said a big part of why he’d likely pass on the opportunity is his desire to always do something new. The reason I got into this job in the first place was because I have a very short attention span, he explained. I am very, very poor at maintaining anything for any length of time. I’ve had many, many hobbies and passions over the years. Not a single one do I still do. I fall madly in love with things and then almost immediately forget about them.

He continued: I’ve been a nurse, I’ve been a police officer, I’ve been a soldier, I’ve been a wizard, I’ve been all these different things. I never know what’s up next, and I love that.

Matthew Lewis Talks About Potential Return for Harry Potter TV Series

Warner Bros. is currently hoping that the Harry Potter TV series will debut on Max in 2026. No casting details have been revealed, but Lewis isn’t the only original cast member who’s not looking to return.

Matthew Lewis Talks About Potential Return for Harry Potter TV Series

Daniel Radcliffe, who originated the role of Harry Potter and now has a Tony Award to his credit, previously stated that he thinks it would be quite odd for him to join the reboot series.

I think it’s very much like they’re going for a new series, he said. There would be somebody else playing Harry. So I think it would be very weird for me to show up. I’m very excited to see what other people do with it. The comparison I’ve made is to a story like Sherlock Holmes. I think the Potter series of books was always gonna be bigger than one interpretation or one franchise, so it’ll be cool to see the torch get passed on.

Matthew Lewis Talks About Potential Return for Harry Potter TV Series

In another interview, Radcliffe also stated he would not appear in the series if asked. I don’t think so, he said. I think they very wisely want to [have] a clean break. And I don’t know if it would work to have us do anything in it. I’m very happy to just watch along with everyone else.

When asked if he’d consider some kind of cameo under the right circumstances, Radcliffe demurred, saying, I’m gonna be a politician about this and not deal in hypotheticals.

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