Lesa Milan on Conflict with Chanel Ayan and Her Escape in Real Housewives of Dubai

For many working moms juggling professional commitments and family life, catching up on The Real Housewives series serves as a form of self-care. It’s a different story when you’re actually one of the Housewives. Lesa Milan, a cast member of The Real Housewives of Dubai, opens up about how she decompresses amid the drama and chaos.

Lesa Milan on Conflict with Chanel Ayan and Her Escape in Real Housewives of Dubai

Padel, that for me is my escape. That’s my thing. And I really love it. Most people want to go get their nails done. I just want to go play padel, Lesa revealed. This escape is particularly essential this season, given the brewing tension with her co-star Chanel Ayan.

Lesa Milan on Conflict with Chanel Ayan and Her Escape in Real Housewives of Dubai

This second season brings plenty of conflict for Milan, who besides tackling household tensions due to her busy schedule as a fashion designer with her successful maternity line Mina Roe, faces a fallout with Chanel Ayan. A lot of people who were friends in Season 1 fell out, or something happened in Season 2, Lesa noted about the dynamic shifts throughout the new episodes.

Lesa Milan on Conflict with Chanel Ayan and Her Escape in Real Housewives of Dubai

The breakdown of Lesa’s friendship with Chanel was especially surprising and painful. I felt a little bit blindsided, I’m not going to lie. It was really hurtful. She’s one of my best friends, she said.

Lesa Milan on Conflict with Chanel Ayan and Her Escape in Real Housewives of Dubai

Although the drama overshadows much of her personal progress this season, Milan finds solace in her roles as a mother and entrepreneur. She shares her struggles in maintaining balance and integration across various responsibilities.

Lesa Milan on Conflict with Chanel Ayan and Her Escape in Real Housewives of Dubai

Lesa credits her success with Mina Roe, which she initially started as a passion project, to its ability to cater beyond just herself.

Lesa Milan on Conflict with Chanel Ayan and Her Escape in Real Housewives of Dubai

The current season promises flair and dynamics typical of Dubai We’re always going to show the glitz and glam expected from Dubai, but you will also see genuine interactions and some fake phony ones too.

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