Kyle Richards Navigates Separation from Mauricio Umansky with Sister’s Support

Kyle Richards Navigates Separation from Mauricio Umansky with Sister’s Support

Kyle Richards and Mauricio Umansky’s Relationship Struggles

Kyle Richards, star of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills (RHOBH), has been navigating a difficult period amid her separation from longtime husband Mauricio Umansky. This separation is particularly poignant given their long history together, spanning several decades. Kathy Hilton, Kyle’s sister, recently shared during an interview how deeply she’s been trying to support Kyle through these hard times. You know, there’s good days for Kyle and then there’s tough days. And I am there talking to her every day, several times, and I wanna be there for her., Kathy said.

Kathy Hilton Speaks Out

Kyle Richards Navigates Separation from Mauricio Umansky with Sister’s Support

Hilton also affirmed the toll that nearly three decades of marriage have taken on Kyle. It’s very scary after almost 28 years… She’s been married her whole life. And the four children. It doesn’t matter what age. It’s heartbreaking.

Season 13 Reunion Insights

Kyle Richards Navigates Separation from Mauricio Umansky with Sister’s Support

During the third and final part of the RHOBH Season 13 reunion, tensions were palpable as Richards addressed issues involving Mauricio and the reality of their situation. Despite the tumultuous nature of these discussions, Kyle seemed intent on protecting Mauricio’s reputation, especially concerning his departure from her brother-in-law Rick Hilton’s firm, Hilton & Hyland.

Host Andy Cohen didn’t shy away from highlighting the strain caused by the launch of The Agency—a luxury brokerage firm started by Mauricio in 2011 after leaving Hilton & Hyland.

Kyle and Mauricio Under Public Scrutiny

Kyle Richards Navigates Separation from Mauricio Umansky with Sister’s Support

Mauricio’s participation in Dancing with the Stars added another layer to their public life. According to Kathy, maintaining such a high-profile persona while dealing with personal challenges wasn’t easy for either Kyle or Mauricio.

Kathy believes that the couple’s split was a long time coming: [Mauricio] is going one way, she’s going one way, and they’re both trying to work. She added that Kyle isn’t impulsive; she likely deliberated on this decision for years before taking the step.

Kathy’s Protective Instincts

In an attempt to keep rumors at bay and protect her sister’s privacy, Kathy revealed she had often kept quiet about internal family matters by saying, I had to keep my mouth shut about rumors involving Kyle Richards because I was always trying to protect her.

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