Kyle Richards and Mauricio Umansky Gift Daughter Portia a $90K Porsche for Her Sweet 16

Amidst their separation, Kyle Richards and Mauricio Umansky came together to surprise their youngest daughter with a significant milestone gift. The reality stars, who hailed from Hollywood royalty and joined Real Housewives of Beverly Hills in 2010, presented Portia, turning 16, with a brand-new $90K Porsche.

The heartwarming moment was captured in a TikTok video by their older daughter, Sophia. In the clip, Richards and Umansky led Portia to the door and asked playfully Whose car is that?. Upon realizing it was hers, Portia became emotional and approached the bow-topped vehicle.

Kyle Richards and Mauricio Umansky Gift Daughter Portia a $90K Porsche for Her Sweet 16

With tears of disbelief, she stood beside her new car, which someone joyfully dubbed Portia’s new Porsche. The family shared hugs and smiles as they took in the touching moment.

Taking a Spin in Her New Ride

The excitement didn’t stop there. In another TikTok post, Portia took her new ride for a spin with her two sisters and mom in the backseat while Umansky rode up front. Although Portia needs to wait another month to officially qualify for her driver’s license despite passing the exam, she’s already enjoying her new wheels with her learner’s permit.

Kyle Richards and Mauricio Umansky Gift Daughter Portia a $90K Porsche for Her Sweet 16

The family documented an earlier trip to the DMV where Portia took her test, showcasing her delight and frustration at not being fully licensed yet. As she humorously noted in the video, I need to wait another month to take this stupid thing…

Family Dynamics During Times of Change

This significant occasion comes on the heels of Richards and Umansky’s separation after 27 years of marriage. Despite breakup rumors swirling since last summer, the couple has maintained a united front for their family. A joint statement on Instagram reaffirmed their respect and love for each other. They emphasized there had been no wrongdoing involved and requested privacy during this transition period.

Kyle Richards and Mauricio Umansky Gift Daughter Portia a $90K Porsche for Her Sweet 16

A Memorable Birthday Celebration

This birthday was another moment where Richards and Umansky showed their commitment despite recent challenges. Photos show them attending an intimate gathering for Portia’s sweet sixteen together. Richards’ journey from a former child star to a Real Housewives favorite has been eventful, but parenting remains central amidst all changes.

Kyle Richards and Mauricio Umansky Gift Daughter Portia a $90K Porsche for Her Sweet 16

A Lasting Impact

The reunion during Portia’s celebration highlights how they balance personal issues while ensuring memorable moments for their children. Their ability to navigate complex times exemplifies efforts many families might relate to when facing public and private challenges.

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