Kyle Cooke and Craig Conover’s Spritz Feud Heats Up on Watch What Happens Live

Ongoing Feud on Watch What Happens Live

Kyle Cooke and Craig Conover’s Spritz Feud Heats Up on Watch What Happens Live

In a recent episode of Watch What Happens Live, Kyle Cooke shed light on his displeasure over Craig Conover’s new partnership with Spritz Society. During the episode, Cooke stated, Look, I wish him the best, but the way he handled it, and we don’t have time to get into it, really rubbed me the wrong way, and I’m just trying to take the high road. He has a reputation of lying and he lied to me.

Claudia Oshry Defends Craig

Kyle Cooke and Craig Conover’s Spritz Feud Heats Up on Watch What Happens Live

Claudia Oshry, who co-hosts The Toast podcast, wasn’t having it. On her May 24 episode, Oshry fiercely defended Conover. She remarked, I wasn’t going to do an episode on [Watch What Happens Live], but then this morning so many people were sending me like [Cooke] really went in on the aftershow and what he did was lie. And he didn’t even lie about me. He lied about two people I love very much.

The friction didn’t stop there. Oshry emphasized that Cooke omitted critical context regarding Spritz’s partnership with Conover. She revealed, He went on Watch What Happens Live and threw some serious allegations … and I have all the facts and all the dates. I have all the timestamps and I have all the receipts.

Differing Business Approaches

According to Oshry, their business models inherently differ. Spritz embraces investors while Loverboy does not. She explained, Loverboy is Kyle’s company and he doesn’t take on investors, whereas Spritz thrives through partnerships. Elaborating on how things unfolded naturally, she mentioned meeting Conover at Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour where he enjoyed Spritz drinks without knowing she owned the company.

A Friendship Leading to Business Ties

The casual encounter led to mutual interests. Nobody was thinking about Kyle, nobody thinks about Kyle and Loverboy, Oshry noted, asserting that Conover decided to get involved after forming a bond with her husband, Ben Soffer.

Prioritizing transparency, Conover informed Cooke of his intentions before making any public announcements. Claudia recounted, Craig took Kyle out to dinner before the announcement—not the day before like a week before it was going to be announced… if you will let me invest in Loverboy I won’t do it.

Exclusivity in Loverboy Investments

Kyle’s stance on maintaining a solo-owned venture led him to turn down Conover’s proposal. Oshry supported Conover’s decision-making skills by highlighting his acumen for investments.

Concluding with a firm defense of Conover’s integrity, Oshry said emphatically, Kyle knew he had first right of refusal… And to be called a liar on the show and then completely not include that very vital conversation was dishonest… Craig is a really good person like he’s honest… He’s a hard-working guy.

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