Kourtney Kardashian Talks About Conflict with Kim Being Filmed Without Her Knowledge

Kourtney Kardashian recently opened up about a particularly heated exchange with her sister Kim that she had not expected to be filmed. Kourtney Kardashian Talks About Conflict with Kim Being Filmed Without Her Knowledge I never knew that call was filmed, Kourtney shared with her friends during a casual talk. She admitted, I’m like, ‘You’re not using it,’ but later accepted the decision to air it.

Kourtney’s Initial Shock and Acceptance

The public argument featured Kourtney branding Kim as a f–king witch. The surprise for Kourtney was discovering after the fact that their argument had been filmed, despite her initial reluctance to air such raw footage: I just had a feeling that it was filmed, like after the fact.

Sisters’ Unspoken Bond

Kourtney reflected on how people often misconstrue their dynamic, thinking they hate each other. The reality of their bond, however, is much more complex. Kim also reiterated this sentiment in her own confessional, stating: The thing about Kourtney and I, no matter how crazy things are … if she needs something, I’m there … We’ll always be that way.

Kourtney Kardashian Talks About Conflict with Kim Being Filmed Without Her Knowledge

The Group Chat Drama

A key point of tension involved the revelation of a group chat called NOT KOURTNEY. Initially thought to include all of Kim’s friends discussing Kourtney, it turned out to be only the sisters. Simon Huck clarified he wasn’t part of it. To this, Kourtney said humorously: That’s a characteristic that my mom and Kim have had my whole life, showing a bit of her true feelings.

Kourtney Kardashian Talks About Conflict with Kim Being Filmed Without Her Knowledge

Simon Huck’s Role in the Reveal

Friend Simon Huck played a role in airing concerns over the footage. He spoke directly with Kourtney about her reservations. However, the extraordinary content seemed irresistible.

A Public Yet Personal Journey

This insight into Kourtney and Kim’s relationship offers fans much to chew over regarding sibling dynamics displayed so publicly. At the heart of it, Kourtney emphasized: We’re sisters… I’m sure a lot of people have had crazy fights with their siblings. Maybe ours are more extreme.

Kourtney Kardashian Talks About Conflict with Kim Being Filmed Without Her Knowledge

This candid look at their realities provides depth to their media personas. As always, new episodes of The Kardashians continue to shed light on these intimate family dynamics every Thursday on Hulu.

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