Kiefer Sutherland Moves Forward with Concerts While Mourning His Father Donald

In the wake of his father Donald Sutherland‘s passing at 88, 24 star and musician Kiefer Sutherland has chosen to continue his scheduled concert appearances along the East Coast. Despite the loss, Kiefer has not cancelled his performances in New York, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and New Jersey.

Kiefer Sutherland Moves Forward with Concerts While Mourning His Father Donald

Sutherland expressed his resolve to perform during a show at the Newton Theatre in New Jersey, stating This is a tough time for me and for my family and there’s nowhere that I’d rather be right now than making music and playing for you all tonight. A fitting sentiment was echoed when an audience member shouted their love for his father to which he replied Me too.

A Memorable Evening Filled with Music and Anecdotes

The evening was filled with guitar performances and personal stories from Kiefer’s past, including his interaction with substance abuse, his sabbatical from acting in the 1990s, and moving from Los Angeles to New York’s rural Hudson Valley in search of simplicity. The multifaceted artist also paid homage to his current neighbors by celebrating their hardworking nature through his song lyrics.

Kiefer Sutherland Moves Forward with Concerts While Mourning His Father Donald

A Heartfelt Announcement on Social Media

Kiefer took to social media to announce his father’s death. He wrote a touching message about Donald’s career and contributions to the film industry, sayingI personally think [Donald] was one of the most important actors in the history of film…. He loved what he did and did what he loved, and one can never ask for more than that. A life well lived.

Kiefer Sutherland Moves Forward with Concerts While Mourning His Father Donald

His father’s extensive career included iconic roles in movies like MASH, Aniaml House, and more recently The Hunger Games franchise. Donald Sutherland, who passed away after a long illness in Miami, left a lasting mark on Hollywood with notable accolades such as an Emmy and a Golden Globe.

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