Kevin Costner Confirms Departure from Yellowstone

It’s official: Kevin Costner has confirmed that he will not be coming back to the hit series Yellowstone. In a heartfelt message posted on his Instagram, the beloved star shared his decision amidst a busy schedule and other commitments.

Hi everyone. I just want to reach out and let you know that after this long year and a half of working on Horizon and doing all the things that’s required, and thinking about Yellowstone – that beloved series that I love – that I know you love. I just realized that I’m not going to be able to continue Season 5b or into the future. It was something that really changed me. I loved it, and I know you loved it. I just wanted to let you know that I won’t be returning.

Kevin Costner Confirms Departure from Yellowstone

Departure from Yellowstone

Kevin Costner invested significant time into making Yellowstone what it is today, portraying the role of patriarch John Dutton III for four and a half seasons. The show captivated audiences with its dramatic storytelling and scenic backdrops, primarily filmed in various locations in Montana.

The show is set to return for its second half of Season 5 on November 10 on Paramount Network. Production restarted last month in Montana after being stalled due to the writers’ strike earlier this year. Fans are eager yet emotional as they gear up for the final episodes of this beloved drama.

The Influence of Horizon

Costner’s extensive commitment to his upcoming project, Horizon: An American Saga, played a pivotal role in his decision to leave Yellowstone. The director-actor has poured immense energy into the multi-chapter Western, which he unveiled at Cannes Film Festival.

Kevin Costner Confirms Departure from Yellowstone

A month before Kevin Costner puts the first installment of his multi-chapter Western ‘Horizon: An American Saga’ into theaters, the actor-director came to the Cannes Film Festival to unveil his self-financed passion project.

The first chapter, running three hours long, will premiere on June 28 with Chapter Two following closely on August 16. The ambitious project required substantial investment, including Costner mortgaging his Santa Barbara estate to raise nearly $100 million for its production.

Statements from Kevin Costner

Kevin Costner Confirms Departure from Yellowstone

In an interview on CBS Sunday Morning, when asked if he left Yellowstone to complete Horizon, Costner clarified:No, I did everything that I was contracted to do with ‘Yellowstone.’ Would you like to go back? Yeah, if I like the story, where it was going, I would go back.

A New Chapter Ahead

Kevin Costner Confirms Departure from Yellowstone

As fans look forward to his new venture and say their goodbyes to John Dutton III, there’s no doubt that Kevin Costner’s contributions have left an indelible mark on the series. With Horizon: An American Saga, set for release soon, audiences are eager to see what this seasoned storyteller brings next.

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