June Squibb Leads Action Comedy Thelma in New Trailer

June Squibb Leads Action Comedy Thelma in New Trailer

June Squibb is an action hero we didn’t see coming, but THELMA‘s trailer proves she’s a force to be reckoned with. At 93, Squibb defies expectations, bringing grit and humor to her role as Thelma Post—a grandmother on a quest to reclaim what was stolen from her by a phone scammer.

A Star Turn for June Squibb

In Thelma, Squibb takes on her first leading role after a prolific career in supporting parts. Known for standout performances in Nebraska, her portrayal of Thelma showcases both her vulnerability and strength. As director Josh Margolin highlights, She just doesn’t quit, and that’s such an essential piece of that character and of my real grandma.

June Squibb Leads Action Comedy Thelma in New Trailer

An Unlikely Partnership

The film wisely pairs Squibb’s character with Richard Roundtree’s Ben, adding layers of endearing camaraderie and humor. Roundtree, known for his iconic role in Shaft, delivers his final performance here. The two embark on a series of misadventures across Los Angeles, each equipped with mobility scooters.

June Squibb Leads Action Comedy Thelma in New Trailer

A Personal Touch

Margolin’s choice of storytelling is poignant yet humorous. The script, based on Margolin’s own grandmother, brims with genuine emotion and relatability. Squibb herself felt a strong connection to the character, stating, I understood her before I went in to shoot it.

Critical Acclaim at Sundance

Premiering at Sundance, Thelma has already garnered significant praise for its fresh take on familiar tropes. Magnolia Pictures is banking on this positive buzz, planning a major release across more than a thousand screens—its widest opening ever.

June Squibb Leads Action Comedy Thelma in New Trailer

More Than Just Action

Despite its comedic and action-packed premise, Thelma also touches on deeper issues like the vulnerability that comes with old age and the injustices elderly people face. This blend of action and sentiment renders it unique and compelling.

A Busy Season for Squibb

The timing couldn’t be better for June Squibb fans. She also shines as Nostalgia in Pixar’s highly anticipated Inside Out 2. Commenting on her character, she described Nostalgia as a funny little lady with rose-colored glasses.

June Squibb Leads Action Comedy Thelma in New Trailer

This dual presence signifies what many are dubbing the Summer of Squibb.

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