June Squibb Is On A Mission In The Trailer For One Of Sundance 2024s Best Movies

June Squibb Is On A Mission In The Trailer For One Of Sundance 2024s Best Movies

June Squibb stars in her first leading role in the highly anticipated comedy-action film, Thelma. Premiering at Sundance 2024, this heartwarming movie, directed by Josh Margolin, presents a unique twist on the action genre by turning a senior citizen into an unlikely hero.

A Road Trip Adventure with Heart

The film loosely draws from the real-life experiences of Margolin’s grandmother. Margolin was inspired to make the Sundance Premieres selection after his own grandmother Thelma nearly fell for a scam., stated the director.June Squibb Is On A Mission In The Trailer For One Of Sundance 2024s Best Movies
In Thelma, June Squibb plays the titular character who is duped by a phone scammer pretending to be her grandson. Determined to get her money back, she embarks on a mission that sees her reclaiming agency and defying her family’s expectations. Her adventurous journey is full of obstacles, including convincing her friend Ben (played by Richard Roundtree) to join her quest.

Scooters and Secrets: Squibb’s Stunts Steal the Show

June Squibb Is On A Mission In The Trailer For One Of Sundance 2024s Best Movies An impressive aspect of Thelma is June Squibb’s willingness to perform her own stunts. I really enjoyed doing my own stunts—nobody else did them! revealed Squibb. Her energetic portrayal of a determined grandmother includes numerous scooter chases and high-octane scenes that are both entertaining and endearing. Margolin praised her commitment, noting, Once she got on that scooter, she was like, ‘I want to do this.’

Connecting the Old and New Generations

The film also features performances by Parker Posey, Clark Gregg, Fred Hechinger, and Malcolm McDowell. Margolin’s direction highlights the thematic exploration of aging and autonomy through its storytelling and casting choices.June Squibb Is On A Mission In The Trailer For One Of Sundance 2024s Best Movies

A Film Rooted in Personal Experience

Margolin brings his familial inspirations to life on screen. We were able to intervene before she actually sent money [to get whom she believed was her grandson out of jail]. It shook up this long-standing feeling that my grandma was infallible., he explained while recounting how his narrative evolved into an adventurous comedy.June Squibb Is On A Mission In The Trailer For One Of Sundance 2024s Best Movies

Thelma‘s story is powered by those very familial bonds, weaving between thrilling moments and touching character interactions.

Squibb Shines Alongside Iconic Cast

An essential feature of the film is the collaboration between Squibb and Roundtree. Performing together brings an intergenerational charm that resonates throughout the movie.Her chemistry with Roundtree is platonic but contagious, stated reviewers citing their dynamic as a stand-out aspect.June Squibb Is On A Mission In The Trailer For One Of Sundance 2024s Best Movies

A Mix of Humor and Heartfelt Moments

The storyline takes viewers on an emotionally charged rollercoaster filled with laughs and heartfelt moments. It’s not just another action flick; it tackles aging and human resilience through clever narrative elements.

The response from Sundance has been overwhelmingly positive with critics highlighting its “charming” and “heartfelt” nature.Find out if Thelma gets her revenge when ‘Thelma’ speeds into theaters on June 21.

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