Julianna Margulies Will Not Return as Laura Peterson in The Morning Show Season 4

The Morning Show is bidding farewell to one of its standout stars. Julianna Margulies, who played the character Laura Peterson, will not return for the upcoming season 4. Variety has reported that this decision was made before any controversies surrounding her recent podcast comments.

Margulies first joined the show in season 2, portraying news anchor Laura Peterson. Over the seasons, Laura’s relationship with Reese Witherspoon’s character, Bradley Jackson, was a significant arc in the series. However, their on-again, off-again relationship faced a turning point when Laura discovered that Bradley had covered up her brother’s involvement in the January 6 Capitol riots.

Reese Witherspoon and Julianna Margulies Chemistry

Julianna Margulies Will Not Return as Laura Peterson in The Morning Show Season 4

Fans of the show have enjoyed the dynamic between Laura and Bradley. Their interactions brought depth and complexity to the storyline, evident as they transitioned from rivals to enthusiasts. Despite their breakup in season 3, fans hoped to see more of this duo.

Showrunner’s Take on Laura Peterson

Addressing Margulies’ exit, showrunner Charlotte Stoudt expressed her thoughts on Laura’s journey post-season 3. We’re very, very, very early in the room, but I think I’d want to explore [Laura] more, Stoudt told Variety. She further mentioned wanting to delve deeper into Laura’s character beyond her relationship with Bradley.

The Controversial Podcast Remarks

In November last year, Margulies landed in hot water over comments she made on an episode of “The Back Room With Andy Ostroy” podcast regarding the Israel-Hamas war. Among other remarks, she expressed disappointment in certain groups’ reactions, stating that some Black people were brainwashed to hate Jews, which led to significant backlash online.

Following the criticism, Margulies issued an apology:I am horrified by the fact that statements I made on a recent podcast offended the Black and LGBTQIA+ communities, communities I truly love and respect… I did not intend for my words to sow further division… Despite this apology, many felt that her comments had already caused significant damage.

An Actress Embodying Her Character

Margulies defended her role as a non-LGBTQ individual portraying a gay character, stating:I am an actress, and I am supposed to embody another character… We have to be careful on where you’re drawing the line there. We’re actors. We’re supposed to embody a character regardless of their sexuality. She touched upon these sentiments during an appearance on “CBS Mornings”, addressing assertions that only LGBTQ actors should play LGBTQ roles.

The Future Without Laura Peterson

Julianna Margulies Will Not Return as Laura Peterson in The Morning Show Season 4

As production begins for season 4, fans will miss seeing Julianna Margulies’ portrayal of Laura Peterson on screen. Her character added much-needed depth and variety to the series alongside notable performances from Reese Witherspoon and Jennifer Aniston among others. While the door for future seasons remains open, for now Laura Peterson will indeed be sleeping in a bit longer.

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