Julianna Margulies Exits The Morning Show, Marion Cotillard Joins Season 4

Laura Peterson is out of Bradley Jackson’s life for good on The Morning Show. Julianna Margulies, who played the seasoned journalist, will not be returning for season 4 of the Apple TV drama.

Julianna Margulies Exits The Morning Show, Marion Cotillard Joins Season 4

Margulies first joined the drama in season 2 as a former war correspondent who went on to host UBA 365. Her character, Laura Peterson, began a romantic relationship with Reese Witherspoon’s Bradley Jackson. However, their affair fell apart after Bradley concealed her brother’s involvement in the January 6 Capitol attacks.

Julianna Margulies Exits The Morning Show, Marion Cotillard Joins Season 4

Margulies reflected on her departure saying, I’ve always been someone who honors a commitment to the fullest extent, so this has been incredibly hard for me.

Season 3 concludes with Alex Levy (Jennifer Aniston) thwarting Paul Marks’ (Jon Hamm) plans to sell UBA to Hyperion by blocking the potential sale. This leads to another pivotal shake-up as UBA considers merging with another media company to survive financial instability. Marion Cotillard will step into the narrative, portraying Celine Dumont, a savvy operator from a storied European family.

Julianna Margulies Exits The Morning Show, Marion Cotillard Joins Season 4

Cotillard’s character is expected to bring significant changes as the network navigates its merger and restructuring phase. Jennifer Anniston remarked on Margulies’ exit: The show has been an amazing experience for all of us, but Julianna felt it was time for new challenges, shedding light on her decision.

Julianna Margulies Exits The Morning Show, Marion Cotillard Joins Season 4

The news comes after a dramatic end to Season 3 where the merged media companies and internal conflicts align characters for unprecedented storylines in Season 4. As audiences bid farewell to Laura Peterson, anticipation grows around Marion Cotillard’s arrival and what dynamics she will introduce.

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