Jude Law Uses Scented Perfume to Portray King Henry VIII in Firebrand

Jude Law reportedly admitted to intentionally smelling foul while playing the role of England’s King Henry VIII in Firebrand. The famous actor confessed to wearing blood and fecal-matter scented perfume to get into character for the new film, while speaking to People at the Firebrand premiere at the 2024 Tribeca Festival.

Jude Law Uses Scented Perfume to Portray King Henry VIII in Firebrand

Karim creates what I call a 360-degree environment to acting, you don’t know where the camera is, it’s all sort of set up shots, it builds a world, Law reportedly said. So the scent was a big part of that, we wanted it to smell and feel real.

The Method Behind the Madness

Law didn’t seem disturbed by the scent and described to People what it was like to film with the set oozing offensive odors. Sometimes we had rooms we’d leave the windows open so it was very cold so we’d wrap up in our furs. Always animals present, which was true to the time, so me smelling bad was just an addition to that, he reportedly added.

Jude Law Uses Scented Perfume to Portray King Henry VIII in Firebrand

An Authentic Experience

The actor explained that the smell made the experience more authentic, connecting him more deeply with his character. I learned that Henry had this stench because of his rotten legs and I just thought it’d be an interesting addition for those around me who had to faun over him and do his every desire [while] also sort of holding back this retch, he reportedly shared.

Jude Law Uses Scented Perfume to Portray King Henry VIII in Firebrand

Diving into Historical Context

Firebrand is set during the final months of Henry VIII’s rule in England in the 16th century. It highlights the conflicts that surfaced between the monarch and his wife, Katherine Parr. Jude Law stars alongside Alicia Vikander, who portrays Katherine Parr with a quietly rebellious edge. The film dives deep into their tumultuous relationship, reflecting on how Parr hides her true personality so well it’s easy to forget she has any.

Jude Law Uses Scented Perfume to Portray King Henry VIII in Firebrand

A Directorial Feat by Karim Aïnouz

Firebrand, directed by Karim Aïnouz, marks his leap into mainstream English-language films after his success with Un Certain Regard winner The Invisible Life of Eurídice Gusmão. Law noted that Aïnouz created an immersive on-set environment, making it a unique experience for everyone involved.

Jude Law Uses Scented Perfume to Portray King Henry VIII in Firebrand

The movie highlights Katherine Parr as the final queen determined to survive during Henry VIII’s reign. Known for his foul treatment of ex-wives—whom he had killed or exiled—those around Catherine become increasingly fearful for her life as rumors surface about her dealings with an anti-royal protestor.

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