Jon Turteltaub Discusses Potential for National Treasure 3 with Original Cast

Director Jon Turteltaub has sparked excitement among fans with an optimistic update on National Treasure 3, revealing that the original cast is eager to return. In a recent interview, Turteltaub stated that a highly skilled writer is currently crafting the script, inching the long-anticipated sequel closer to reality.

Jon Turteltaub Discusses Potential for National Treasure 3 with Original Cast

Script Developments Underway

Turteltaub revealed, There’s a very, very good writer writing it right now who tends to write really good movies and if the script comes out close to good and you can see the finish line from where you are we’re making the movie.

Jon Turteltaub Discusses Potential for National Treasure 3 with Original Cast

The commitment from Turteltaub underscores his belief in the potential of the script and its impact on the franchise’s continuation.

Main Cast’s Enthusiasm

The return of Nicolas Cage as Benjamin Franklin Gates is a central talking point. Turteltaub confidently mentioned, There’s no one who doesn’t want to make it. We all want to make it because we all have tremendous affection not just for it but for each other.

Jon Turteltaub Discusses Potential for National Treasure 3 with Original Cast

Cage, alongside co-stars Justin Bartha and Diane Kruger, is enthusiastic about reuniting to once again embark on a historical heist adventure.

Importance of Timeliness

Turteltaub emphasized the necessity of acting quickly due to aging and changing audience interests. He remarked, We do have to hurry because people are both getting older and less interested, and lives are changing and all that.

Jon Turteltaub Discusses Potential for National Treasure 3 with Original Cast

Return of Familiar Faces

A notable piece of news is the potential return of Sean Bean as Ian Howe. Turteltaub hinted at this development, stating, I know that sounds like a National Treasure 3 hint but I’m not saying it isn’t. But I’m not saying it is.

Jon Turteltaub Discusses Potential for National Treasure 3 with Original Cast

Existing Franchise Impact

The Disney+ series “National Treasure: Edge of History” has been met with mixed reviews, highlighting the absence of Cage. The sub-par reception adds weight to fan desire for another film featuring original actors.

Jon Turteltaub Discusses Potential for National Treasure 3 with Original Cast

Cautious Optimism

Turteltaub’s cautious optimism reflects his understanding of commercial pressures. He stated,I actually think about whether the movie is going to make money or not. It’s just awful to make a movie nobody sees.

Jon Turteltaub Discusses Potential for National Treasure 3 with Original Cast

This realism may influence creative choices as Turteltaub aims for a blend of fiscal viability and narrative quality.

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