Jennifer Lopez Returns to Action in Netflix’s Sci-Fi Thriller Atlas

Jennifer Lopez stars as Atlas Shepherd in Atlas.

Jennifer Lopez Returns to Action in Netflix’s Sci-Fi Thriller Atlas

Adding more combustible material to the inferno of AI unease sweeping the globe, director Brad Peyton (Journey 2: The Mysterious Island, San Andreas, Rampage) is experiencing a healthy surge of adrenalin to his Hollywood filmmaking career that seems to have no ceiling as evidenced by his latest entertaining project. His new Netflix sci-fi thriller, Atlas, represents a convergence of creativity and technology that promises an adrenaline-filled experience for viewers.

If you’re in the mood for some vivid action sequences…check out Atlas. GRADE: B-

A Familiar Face Leads The Charge

Jennifer Lopez‘s role as Atlas Shepherd is noteworthy. As a military data analyst with a serious distrust of AI who teams up with a Ranger unit led by Colonel Elias Banks (Sterling K. Brown), she must hunt down a renegade android named Harlan (Simu Liu). Lopez’s portrayal requires her to overcome deep-seated fears alongside an amiable AI called Smith installed in her armored mech-suit.

Jennifer Lopez Returns to Action in Netflix’s Sci-Fi Thriller Atlas

Brad Peyton’s Sci-Fi Inspiration

Peyton is an instinctive director who continues to hone his craft over the last decade by sticking with the types of action-adventure storytelling he loves. He shared, I grew up loving the invitation to go to as rich a science fiction world as I could. When I was a kid I discovered James Cameron was Canadian, and I’m Canadian. So as a 13-year-old that’s going to see ‘Terminator 2,’ you can imagine the impact something like that has on you when you discover that a Canadian from a rural place can go to Hollywood and make THIS movie.

An Adrenaline-Filled Journey

The narrative explores our apprehension about AI’s role in society, packaged within explosive Titanfall-like mech action scenes. Furthermore, Atlas‘ alignment with heady themes and high-caliber acting suggests it might resonate profoundly with contemporary audiences.

A Robust Ensemble

Peyton has high praise for his cast, mentioning how Sterling K. Brown brings an additional layer of credibility and prowess to Atlas. He describes Brown’s character’s charisma and ability to transform scenes into compelling experiences, casting just the right mix of movie-stars who elevate its thrilling narrative.

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