Infested Director Discusses Using Real Spiders in Filmmaking

Inside the Arachnid-Infested Production

The spider-infested horizons of Sébastien Vaniček’s debut, Infested, presents a chilling encounter with one of nature’s most feared creatures. The film, which has gripped audiences and critics alike, showcases not only the technical prowess required to create such a visceral experience but also Vaniček’s bold decision to integrate real spiders into the production.

Infested Director Discusses Using Real Spiders in Filmmaking

Embracing Realism in Horror

In an interview with, Vaniček shared his insights on the importance of realism in creature features. Because spider movies have kind of a bad reputation, they are always B-movies, and spiders are big tarantulas and they scream like humans and it’s always funny, and I wanted to do something realistic with spiders and to be really, really frightening but using spiders that everybody knows; they are not so exotic. You know their shape here. Everybody has seen these kinds of spiders in their living room someday, he explained.

Natural Inspiration for Cinematic Terror

Vaniček further elaborated on his approach to making the arachnids more impactful on screen. So the first thing was to have spiders that you know, so these spiders with big legs and not so much hair was the first step, and I have to be realistic, so with Florent [Bernard], my co-author, we took all the things that spiders have in nature… and we’d said, ‘Okay, let’s use this, let’s use this.’ We just did plus 20%, plus 30%, but it’s based on nature, we just exaggerated it in order to have an entertaining movie and a promising movie, he stated during the same interview.

Infested Director Discusses Using Real Spiders in Filmmaking

Fans React to the Spider Spectacle

The dedication to authenticity has resonated well with audiences and critics alike. Reception has been overwhelmingly positive, with reviews often highlighting the horrifyingly realistic depiction of spiders which adds an extra layer of immersion into the fear Vaniček aims to evoke.

Infested Director Discusses Using Real Spiders in Filmmaking

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