Ian McKellen Hints at Possible Gandalf Return in New Gollum Film

Ian McKellen, cherished for his portrayal of the wizard Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit series, seems optimistic about the possibility of returning to Middle-earth. The newly announced film, The Hunt for Gollum, is set to be directed by Andy Serkis and produced by Peter Jackson. This news has reignited interest in whether we will see McKellen donning the iconic grey robes once more.

In a recent Empire interview with co-star Elijah Wood, McKellen reflected on his time portraying Gandalf. He admitted that he still cherishes mementos from the set, saying, I keep [Gandalf’s sword] Glamdring in my hatstand and the pointy hat in the basement, often worn by visiting youngsters. These tokens clearly hold emotional value, symbolizing McKellen’s deep connection to the character.

Peter Jackson Returns to Helm the Project

Ian McKellen Hints at Possible Gandalf Return in New Gollum FilmThe involvement of Peter Jackson, Fran Walsh, and Philippa Boyens in The Hunt for Gollum ensures that it stays true to Tolkien’s rich universe. Their commitment has been previously lauded: For over two decades, moviegoers have embraced the ‘Lord of the Rings’ film trilogy because of the undeniable devotion Peter, Fran, and Philippa have shown towards protecting the legacy of Tolkien’s works…

Andy Serkis Takes Dual Roles

Andy Serkis will not only direct but also reprise his role as Gollum. He shared his enthusiasm: The Gollum/Sméagol character has always fascinated me because Gollum reflects the worst of human nature, whilst his Sméagol side is, arguably, quite sympathetic.

Uncertain Future for Gandalf’s Return

While discussing potentially reprising his role as Gandalf in this new project, Mckellen remarked candidly: If I’m alive. Although fans are fervently hoping for his appearance, McKellen humorously tempered expectations by noting there is currently no formal arrangement for his return: There is no script, there is no offer, there is no plan.

Ian McKellen Hints at Possible Gandalf Return in New Gollum Film

The potential return of Gandalf sparked an emotional response from fans on social media: @vijisai_ tweeted, “I can’t wait.” Others expressed heartfelt sentiments regarding McKellen’s age and hoped for his involvement.

Flurry of Fan Reactions

The announcement of The Hunt for Gollum brings excitement and speculation. Fans are eager to see their beloved characters brought back to life with Peter Jackson’s magic touch. Meanwhile, many hold on to a glimmer of hope that McKellen can join this new adventure despite his candid remarks about aging.

Ian McKellen Hints at Possible Gandalf Return in New Gollum Film

The Lord of the Rings: The Hunt for Gollum, scheduled for release in 2026, carries with it both anticipation and a wave of nostalgia. Whether or not we’ll witness Ian McKellen wielding Gandalf’s staff once again remains uncertain but hopeful.

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