Horror Directors Philippou Brothers Announce New Film Bring Her Back with Star-Studded Cast

The Philippou brothers are back on the horror scene with their second movie, Bring Her Back, now officially in production. While plot details remain tightly under wraps, the film promises a stellar cast including The Shape of Water star Sally Hawkins, along with young talent Billy Barratt.

Horror Directors Philippou Brothers Announce New Film Bring Her Back with Star-Studded Cast

Talk to Me directors and brotherly duo, Danny and Michael Philippou, have teamed up once again with A24 for this highly anticipated follow-up. The movie was first announced in April, featuring Hawkins in a leading role and an intriguing young ensemble cast.

Billy Barratt, who at just 16 has already built a remarkable resume with roles in Apple TV+‘s Invasion and winning the International Emmy for Best Actor for his role in Responsible Child, is set to play opposite Hawkins. The rest of the ensemble includes Jonah Wren Phillips from The Returned, Stephen Phillips of The Leftovers, Sally-Anne Upton from Wentworth, and newcomer Sora Wong.

Horror Directors Philippou Brothers Announce New Film Bring Her Back with Star-Studded Cast

Sophie Wilde, who captivated audiences as Mia in the Philippou brothers’ debut feature, is a hard act to follow. Her performance in Talk to Me showcased her versatility—she was sad, exuberant, frightened, deadly, possessed, lusty, mournful, and vengeful. Wilde’s breakout role has no doubt set the bar high for newcomers to the team.

Horror Directors Philippou Brothers Announce New Film Bring Her Back with Star-Studded Cast

The directors’ unique style was evident in their first film. Directed by the Philippou brothers from a script by Danny Philippou and Bill Hinzman, Talk to Me expertly balanced modern horror elements with ancient themes, mixing jump-cuts and zombies with deeper explorations of loss and guilt.

Horror Directors Philippou Brothers Announce New Film Bring Her Back with Star-Studded Cast

The announcement came through an Instagram post where the brothers revealed the film’s script cover page bearing a hopeful yet anxious “Please don’t f*ck this up” mantra scrawled in several repetitions—a testament to the pressure of following up a successful debut.

This upcoming project holds promise for horror fans anticipating another gripping narrative under the Philippou brothers’ signature lens. With A24 backing it up and a dynamic cast on board, Bring Her Back is shaping up to be a significant entry in modern horror cinema.

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