Glen Powell’s New Netflix Film Hit Man Misses the Mark Despite High Hopes

Glen Powell is quickly making a name for himself in Hollywood, but his new Netflix movie, Hit Man, may not be the bump he anticipated. Despite starring in hits like Top Gun: Maverick and romantic comedies such as Anyone But You, Powell’s latest venture could leave viewers underwhelmed.

Glen Powell’s New Netflix Film Hit Man Misses the Mark Despite High Hopes

Plot of Hit Man

The film sees Powell playing Gary Johnson, a high school teacher who moonlights as an undercover hitman for the New Orleans Police Department. The concept might sound intriguing, but its execution leaves much to be desired. While there are some moments where Powell’s diverse personas shine through, it feels more like an identity crisis on screen.

Performance and Direction

Glen Powell’s New Netflix Film Hit Man Misses the Mark Despite High HopesBoth Powell and co-star Adria Arjona try their best with what they have. However, even their chemistry can’t save the film from its confusing narrative arc.

Director Richard Linklater is known for his skillful blending of comedy and drama. One user noted “His trilogy of Before films are romances to savor.” Yet, this time he’s missing the mark. While attempting to infuse humor into a dark plot often works under his direction, here it feels forced.

Glen Powell’s New Netflix Film Hit Man Misses the Mark Despite High Hopes

Lack of Narrative Focus

The storyline wobbles between caricature-laden comedy and cringe-inducing drama without striking any semblance of balance. Peter Bradshaw from The Guardian noted the film’s struggles: A hit is what it deserves to be. Unfortunately, his words fail to manifest here.

Glen Powell’s New Netflix Film Hit Man Misses the Mark Despite High Hopes

An Unfortunate Misstep

This isn’t to say all of Linklater’s signature is lost. There are scattered moments of brilliance that offer glimmers of what could have been a fun ride. Ultimately, Linklater’s style doesn’t mesh well with the story’s demands.

In conclusion, Powell and Arjona are undoubtedly dedicated actors with promising careers ahead. Still, Hit Man does little justice to their talents or Linklater’s directorial prowess.

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