Ghostlight Trailer A Construction Worker Reconnects With His Daughter in Acclaimed Sundance Drama

One of the most anticipated releases of 2024, Ghostlight, from directors Kelly O’Sullivan and Alex Thompson, has taken the festival circuit by storm. Premiering at Sundance and making a notable stop at SXSW, this drama is set to hit theaters next month, distributed by IFC Films. Ahead of its June 14 launch, the first trailer has made its debut.

Ghostlight Trailer A Construction Worker Reconnects With His Daughter in Acclaimed Sundance Drama

The Premise Unfolds

When melancholic construction worker Dan finds himself drifting from his wife and daughter, he discovers community and purpose in a local theater’s production of Romeo and Juliet. As the drama onstage starts to mirror his own life, he and his family are forced to confront a personal loss.

A Fusion of Art and Reality

Marissa De La Cerda hinted at the film’s themes in her review, stating, I imagine the scene where the villains Boyd and Ted are at the bar talking about the development on the local animal farm is exactly how the city pitched Lincoln Yards. Such moments underscore how intimately Ghostlight weaves real-world elements into its narrative.

Ghostlight Trailer A Construction Worker Reconnects With His Daughter in Acclaimed Sundance Drama

A Talented Ensemble Cast

The film features a stellar cast including Keith Kupferer as Dan Mueller, with Tara Mallen playing his wife Sharon and Katherine Mallen Kupferer as their daughter Daisy. Dolly De Leon shines as Rita, the spirited eyewitness who draws Dan into their circle.

Ghostlight Trailer A Construction Worker Reconnects With His Daughter in Acclaimed Sundance Drama

Cinematic Mastery

Critics have praised Ghostlight‘s unique storytelling approach. Francis Spufford noted in The New York Times Book Review, Extraordinary…a writer’s book, not a scholar’s; it has no footnotes. Its power lies in the particular reading it gives us of one of the world’s foundational texts… We want to know what Robinson thinks of Genesis for the same reason we’d want to know what Tolstoy thought of it.

Ghostlight Trailer A Construction Worker Reconnects With His Daughter in Acclaimed Sundance Drama

An Insightful Script

The screenplay by Kelly O’Sullivan unravels layers of narrative complexity. John Fink described it as a tender drama bearing profound moments of humor and small triumphs… This thoughtful script reveals new information gradually, highlighting deep emotional connections within a nuclear family grappling with loss.

Ghostlight Trailer A Construction Worker Reconnects With His Daughter in Acclaimed Sundance Drama

A Moving Depiction of Grief

This film sharply reflects on how grief can shape relationships, both within families and communities. The production of Romeo and Juliet serves as a transformative experience for Dan, mirroring his struggles and offering a path toward healing.

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