Gamer Creates Awesome Mario inspired 8-bit Bathroom

Gamer Creates Awesome Mario inspired 8-bit Bathroom

I literally mentioned the other day just how incredibly big the Super Mario Brothers franchise is.  I wasn’t just referring to sales, amount of games, and merchandise.  I was referring to the profound effect the franchise has had on people’s actual lives.   I even mentioned how people decorate parts of their homes using Mario related themes.  Wouldn’t you know that the very next day I would stumble across this Super Mario themed bathroom on The Chive. Here’s a description from the creator of the gallery.

Welcome to our Super Mario bathroom! Complete with 8-Bit clock, joystick light switch (with working lights & sounds) and fire flowers. This was the first room we decorated when we moved into our house 5 years ago… and to this day is still the best place to do your business.

While I don’t know if I’d ever go the distance of creating an entire room like this in my home, I can tell that if I were to use a bathroom like this in anyone else’s home, as soon as I left the bathroom I would come out and say, “this is by far the coolest bathroom I’ve ever been in.”

Check out the precision craftsmanship below!

Gamer Creates Awesome Mario inspired 8-bit Bathroom

Gamer Creates Awesome Mario inspired 8-bit Bathroom

Gamer Creates Awesome Mario inspired 8-bit Bathroom

Gamer Creates Awesome Mario inspired 8-bit Bathroom

Gamer Creates Awesome Mario inspired 8-bit Bathroom

Gamer Creates Awesome Mario inspired 8-bit Bathroom

Gamer Creates Awesome Mario inspired 8-bit Bathroom

Gamer Creates Awesome Mario inspired 8-bit Bathroom

Gamer Creates Awesome Mario inspired 8-bit Bathroom

Gamer Creates Awesome Mario inspired 8-bit Bathroom

Gamer Creates Awesome Mario inspired 8-bit Bathroom

Gamer Creates Awesome Mario inspired 8-bit Bathroom

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